Adverse Media
The Adverse Media datasource is a data source containing information about events or activities adverse to individuals, organizations, companies, or governmental entities. These data sources include news, media reports, legal publications, investigative journalism, and other types of content addressing issues such as crimes, scandals, lawsuits, corruption, human rights violations, sanctions, among others. Adverse Media datasources are used in risk analysis processes, background investigations, due diligence, and compliance to assist in assessing potential risks associated with individuals or entities in commercial transactions, investments, hiring, or other interactions.
Section: kycAdverseMediaLatamCountries or kycAdverseMediaEmergingCountries
Each Adverse Media query can have two sections for each category, one Latam and one Emerging Countries. These categories are defined based on the country where you (CAF Client) are legally based.
Latam: We use the term "Latam," but it may not necessarily be from Latin America; we have included other countries in the list, but we continue to use the same service name, check the list below with the names of all countries included.
South Africa, Angola, Algeria, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Mauritania, Mayotte, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Kenya, Cameroon, Reunion, Rwanda, Western Sahara, Saint Helena, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Seychelles, Somalia, Eswatini, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Central African Republic, and Guinea-Bissau.
Section for customers who belong to the “Latam” group of countries:
- kycAdverseMediaLatamCountries
Emerging countries: We use the term "Emerging countries," but it may not necessarily consist only of Emerging Countries; we have included other countries in the list, but we continue to use the same service name.
Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominica, El Salvador, United States, Grenada, Greenland, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Cayman Islands, United States Distant Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, British Virgin Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Caribbean Netherlands, Panama, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Lucia, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Martin, Trinidad and Tobago, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, French Guiana, Falkland Islands, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela, Antarctica, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Bouvet Island, Heard Island and McDonald Islands, French Southern and Antarctic Lands, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei, Bhutan, Cambodia, Qatar, Kazakhstan, China, Singapore, North Korea, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, Philippines, Georgia, Hong Kong, Yemen, Christmas Island, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar (Burma), Mongolia, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, Tajikistan, British Indian Ocean Territory, Palestinian Territories, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, East Timor, Russia, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Germany, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Holy See, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Guernsey, Netherlands, Hungary, Isle of Man, Åland Islands, Faroe Islands, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Ukraine, Kosovo, Australia, Fiji, Guam, Norfolk Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Cook Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Marshall Islands, Pitcairn Islands, Solomon Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Palau, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Samoa, American Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, Papua New Guinea.
Section for customers who belong to the “Emerging Countries” group of countries:
- kycAdverseMediaEmergingCountries
Full name of the individual.
Date of birth of the individual.
Country code of the individual.
body: JSON.stringify({
workflowId: "6644843a90k8762k25929376",
parameters: {
name: "Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin",
birthDate: "07/10/1952",
countryCode: "RU",
Note: Some fields returned by this API are optional and their presence cannot be guaranteed.
Object containing the main data.
Risk level associated with the entity.
Client reference related to the hit.
List of hits found in blacklist searches.
List of matches found.
Object containing information associated with the hit.
List of news types related to the hit.
List of associates found.
Name of the associated entity.
Type of association with the entity (spouse, brother, etc.).
List of information sources, which can be state or private organizations.
List of keywords related to the hit.
Additional notes from sources related to the hit.
This type need to be replaced by any source of information (companyAm, complyAdvantageAdverseMedia, etc.).
Name of the organization or position.
This list contains types of adverse media provided by the source (adverse-media-terrorism, adverse-media-v2-cybercrime, adverse-media-fraud, etc.).
Countries related to information.
Link to the source of information.
Type of entity (person, company, etc.).
List of media related to the hit. (news, websites, etc.).
Timestamp indicating when the news was published.
News title.
Text with a preview of the news subject.
Link to full news.
List of possible birth dates related to the hit.
Timestamp indicating when the hit was created.
Related countries of hit.
List of files related to the entity.
Public link of file.
Source of information.
Type of file (picture, etc.).
File link.
List of all aka related to the entity.
Aka name.
Entity name of hit.
List of death dates related to the entity.
Unique identifier of the main record.
This field contains all detailed information about each type of information related to the hit.
This type needs to be replaced by a category, which will be named after some type of news reported in the types array, such as "adverseMediaV2Terrorism". This type can also be "other".
This information needs to be replaced with any name that references the origin of this information (complyadvantageAdverseMedia, companyAm, etc.).
Indicates the type of information (Country, date of birth, other info, etc.).
Field where the value of the information is, which can be text, link, date of birth, etc.
Internal tag with tabulated values for the category of each information (date_of_birth, related_url, country_names, etc.).
Indicates the hit score value.
Indicates the hit status (potential_match, true_positive, etc.).
Indicates if the hit is in a white list.
List of match types for each hit. (aka_exact, year_of_birth, etc.).
Details of name matches, sources, and secondary matches for each entity. In this field, all hit information is analyzed individually, to classify them according to their relevance.
Information about each entity, including query terms and match types.
Classification of matches for the respective information (exact_match, partial_match, etc.).
The specific query term used for the match. (name, date, etc.).
Type of news associated with each match (adverse-media-terrorism, adverse-media-v2-cybercrime, adverse-media-fraud, etc.).
Sources of hit information.
Additional matches related to each individual information.
Classification of secondary matches for the respective information (exact_match, partial_match, etc.).
The specific query term used for the secondary match. (name, date, etc.).
The full name of each matched individual (Ex: Nicolás Maduro Moros).
Timestamp indicating when the record was created.
Reference identifier associated with the record.
Final status of the query (no_match, false_positive, potential_match, true_positive, unknown, true_positive_approve, true_positive_reject).
Total number of hits associated with the record.
Indicates whether the record is cached.
Total number of hits in the blacklist associated with the record.
URL for sharing the record.
Unique identifier of the record.
Total number of matches associated with the record.
Timestamp indicating when the record was updated.
"data": {
"riskLevel": "unknown",
"clientRef": "caf-Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin",
"blacklistHits": [],
"hits": [
"matchTypes": ["aka_exact", "year_of_birth"],
"doc": {
"types": [
"associates": [
"name": "ABRAMCHENKO Victoria Valerievna",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "ABRAMOVICH Roman Arkadyevich",
"association": "partner"
"name": "AMELCHENKOVA / ZANKO Olga Nikolaevna",
"association": "соратник"
"name": "ANISIMOV Vasily Vasilievich",
"association": "partner"
"name": "AVDEEV Alexey Yurevich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "AVEN Petr Olegovich",
"association": "partner"
"name": "AZIMOV Rakhim Azizboevich",
"association": "соратник"
"name": "Albert Putin",
"association": "sibling"
"name": "BABAKOV Alexander Mikhailovich",
"association": "соратник"
"name": "BAKHMETIEV / BAKHMETYEV Vitaly Viktorovich",
"association": "соратник"
"name": "BELOUSOV Andrey Removich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "BICHAEV Artem Aleksandrovich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "BLAVATNIK Leonid / Len / Leonardo Valentinovich",
"association": "друг"
"name": "BOGDANCHIKOV Sergei Mikhailovich",
"association": "друг"
"name": "BONDAREV Viktor Nikolayevich",
"association": "колишній керівник"
"name": "BORISOV Yury Ivanovich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "BORTNIKOV Aleksandr Vasilievich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "CHEMEZOV Sergey Viktorovich",
"association": "соратник"
"name": "DMITRIEV Kirill Aleksandrovich",
"association": "partner"
"name": "DRONOV Yaroslav Yuriyovych",
"association": "Дронов Ярослав Юрійович, відомий під псевдонімом SHAMAN, 25 грудня 2023 року став довіреною особою Путіна Володимира Володимировича виборах президента Російської Федерації 2024, тим самим підтримуючи продовження геноциду та війни на території України."
"name": "ERNST Konstantin Lvovich",
"association": "partner"
"name": "FAASSEN Jorrit Joost",
"association": "зять"
"name": "FADZAEV Arsen Suleymanovich",
"association": "довірена особа"
"name": "FETISOV Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich",
"association": "друг"
"name": "FRIDMAN Mikhail Maratovich",
"association": "partner"
"name": "GILMUTDINOV Ildar Irekovich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "GOLIKOVA Tatyana Alekseevna",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "GORELOV Dmitrii Vladimirovich",
"association": "друг"
"name": "GROMOV Aleksey Alekseevich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "GURTSKAIA Diana Gudaevna",
"association": "довірена особа"
"name": "GUTSAN Alexander Vladimirovich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "Graceful",
"association": "Property in the interest of"
"name": "IVANAYEV Andrey Sergeyevich",
"association": "partner"
"name": "IVANOV Sergey Borisovich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "Ironstone Marine Investments",
"association": "Providing support"
"name": "KABAYEVA Alina Maratovna",
"association": "коханка"
"name": "KANDYBOVICH Sergei Lvovich",
"association": "довірена особа"
"name": "KASTYUKEVICH Igor Yurievich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "KHAN German Borisovich",
"association": "друг"
"name": "KHMARIN Victor Victorovich",
"association": "друг"
"name": "KLEBANOV Ilia Iosifovich",
"association": "колега"
"name": "KOLBIN Petro Viktorovych",
"association": "друг"
"name": "KOLBIN Vladimir Petrovich",
"association": "друг"
"name": "KOMAROV Igor Anatolyevich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "KOSTIN Andrey Leonidovich",
"association": "partner"
"name": "KOSTYUKOV Igor Olegovich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "KRIVONOGIKH Svetlana Alexandrovna",
"association": "коханка"
"name": "KUZMICHEV Alexey Viktorovich",
"association": "ділові відносини"
"name": "KUZNETSOV Mikhail Mikhailovich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "Katerina Tikhonova",
"association": "child"
"name": "LITVINENKO Vladimir Stefanovich",
"association": "соратник"
"name": "Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Ocheretnaya",
"association": "former spouse"
"name": "Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Ocheretnaya",
"association": "spouse"
"name": "Lyudmila Putina",
"association": "spouse"
"name": "Lyudmila Shkrebneva",
"association": "former spouse"
"name": "MAGOMEDOV Dzhambulat Musaevich",
"association": "довірена особа"
"name": "MAMEDOV Alexey Khamrakulovich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "MARKOV Sergei Alexandrovich",
"association": "соратник"
"name": "MEDVEDCHUK Viktor Volodymyrovich",
"association": "кум"
"name": "MELNICHENKO Andrey Igorevich",
"association": "друг"
"name": "MILLER / MILLIER Alexey Borisovich",
"association": "друг"
"name": "MIZINTSEV Mikhail Yevgenyevich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "MURUGOV Viacheslav Aleksandrovich",
"association": "довірена особа"
"name": "Maria Vorontsova",
"association": "child"
"name": "Mariya Putina",
"association": "child"
"name": "NARUSOVA Lyudmila Borisovna",
"association": "знайома"
"name": "NEVALENNAIA Galina Ivanovna",
"association": "довірена особа"
"name": "NOVAK Alexander Valentinovich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "O'Neill Assets Corporation",
"association": "Providing support"
"name": "OCHERETNAYA Lyudmila Alexandrovna",
"association": "колишня дружина"
"name": "OSEEVSKY Mikhail Eduardovich",
"association": "partner"
"name": "OSIPOV Igor Vladimirovich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "OVERCHUK Alexey Logvinovich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "Olympia",
"association": "Property in the interest of"
"name": "PIROG Dmitry Yurievich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "PODNOSOVA Irina Leonidovna",
"association": "соратник"
"name": "PORYVAI Natalia Vladimirovna",
"association": "соратник"
"name": "PUTIN Igor Aleksandrovich",
"association": "двоюрідний брат"
"name": "PUTIN Mikhail Evgenevich",
"association": "двоюрідний племінник"
"name": "PUTIN Roman Igorevich",
"association": "двоюрідний племінник"
"name": "PUTINA / PODGUZOVA Vera Alexandrovna",
"association": "двоюрідна племінниця"
"name": "PUTINA / TIKHONOVA Katerina / Ekaterina Vladimirovna",
"association": "дочка"
"name": "PUTINA / VORONTSOVA / FAASSEN Maria Vladimirovna",
"association": "дочка"
"name": "RAGIMOV Ilgam Mamedgasanovich",
"association": "друг"
"name": "RAHIMKULOV Megdet Nigmatovich",
"association": "соратник"
"name": "ROLDUGIN Sergei Pavlovich",
"association": "кум"
"name": "ROTENBERG Igor Arkadyevich",
"association": "partner"
"name": "RUDNOV Sergei Olegovich",
"association": "друг"
"name": "SALYUKOV Oleg Leonydovych",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "SCHRÖDER Gerhard Fritz Kurt",
"association": "ділові відносини"
"name": "SECHIN Igor Ivanovich",
"association": "друг"
"name": "SERYSHEV Anatoly Anatolyevich",
"association": "ділові відносини"
"name": "SHAFIGULLIN Airat Radinovich",
"association": "радник"
"name": "SHAMALOV Kirill Nikolaevich",
"association": "зять"
"name": "SHAMALOV Nikolay Terentievich",
"association": "друг"
"name": "SHCHEGOLEV Igor Olegovich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "SHELOMOV Mikhail Lvovich",
"association": "двоюрідний племінник"
"name": "SIMONYAN Margarita Simonovna",
"association": "partner"
"name": "SMIRNOV Vladimir Alekseevich",
"association": "соратник"
"name": "TIMCHENKO Gennady Nikolayevich",
"association": "знайомий"
"name": "TRABER Ilya Ilyich",
"association": "друг"
"name": "TRUTNEV Yury Petrovich",
"association": "помічник"
"name": "TSIVILEV Sergey Evgenievich",
"association": "родич"
"name": "TSOMAEVA / SHKREBNEVA Olga Alexandrovna",
"association": "своячка"
"name": "YATSKYN Andrei Vladimirovich",
"association": "колишній підлеглий"
"name": "YEVMENOV Nikolay Anatolyevich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "Yekaterina Putina",
"association": "child"
"name": "ZHURAVLYOV Alexander Alexandrovich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "ZOLOTOV Viktor Vasiliyevich",
"association": "підлеглий"
"name": "Воронцова Мария Владимировна",
"association": "child"
"sources": ["company-am", "complyadvantage-adverse-media"],
"keywords": [],
"sourceNotes": {
"complyadvantageAdverseMedia": {
"amlTypes": [
"name": "ComplyAdvantage Adverse Media",
"countryCodes": [
"companyAm": {
"amlTypes": ["adverse-media", "adverse-media-v2-other-minor"],
"name": "company AM",
"countryCodes": ["AU", "CZ"]
"entityType": "person",
"media": [
"date": "2024-05-07T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "- Oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who is Russia's richest man and seen as a potential challenger to Putin, is arrested and later sentenced to 10...",
"title": "(no title)",
"url": ""
"date": "2024-05-20T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "The court, based in The Hague, has no police force, but those named in warrants could be arrested if they travel to one of its...",
"title": "Biden Declares Israel's Military Operation in Gaza 'Is Not Genocide' - The New York Times",
"url": ""
"date": "2024-05-22T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "Khan said in his announcement that he had reasonable grounds to believe that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's defense chief and three Hamas leaders...",
"title": "Blinken says he'll work with US Congress on potential ICC sanctions - Hawaii Tribune-Herald",
"url": ""
"date": "2023-09-24T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "Por isso, em março, o Tribunal Penal Internacional (TPI) emitiu um mandado de prisão para o presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, e outra funcionária, acusando-os de...",
"title": "Entenda o rapto de crianças ucranianas citado por Zelensky na ONU e que embasa ordem de prisão contra Putin | Ucrânia e Rússia | G1",
"url": ""
"date": "2023-07-21T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "Last November, he pulled out of the G20 summit in Indonesia because Western leaders had threatened to stage a walkout if he attended. Director-General in...",
"title": "Government and DA agree not to proceed with Putin application",
"url": ""
"date": "2023-06-21T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "Political Views Tatarinova said that in her interactions with Zabugorsky, he did not appear to be overtly political in person, never quite showing where he...",
"title": "He Said He Fled Russia. Then He Returned, Amid A Massive Clampdown, And Denounced America On State TV. What Happened?",
"url": ""
"date": "2024-05-13T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "A softly-spoken former bank clerk has stepped into the shoes of Vladimir Putin's propagandist warlord, three years after she was released from a Virginia jail...",
"title": "How a convicted woman US felon has become Putin's new mouthpiece | Daily Mail Online",
"url": ""
"date": "2023-08-23T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "This year, there is an awkward situation prevailing within the group over Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin is facing war crimes charges for allegedly deporting...",
"title": "How cohesive are the bricks of BRICS to shake the US-led global order? | The Business Standard",
"url": ""
"date": "2024-05-21T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "Her trip had not been announced for security reasons. During a visit to one of Ukraine's largest power stations, which was destroyed by Russia last...",
"title": "In Kyiv, Top German Diplomat Urges Allies To Protect Ukraine's Skies",
"url": ""
"date": "2024-03-28T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": ": \"[I am] Kara-Murza, Vladimir Vladimirovich, date of birth September 7, 1981, convicted under criminal code articles 284.1 part one, 207.3 part two, 275. Start...",
"title": "Inside Putin's nightmare Arctic gulag - where prisoners are regularly stripped naked in -2C - World News - Mirror Online",
"url": ""
"date": "2023-04-18T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": ": ICC judges issue arrest warrants against Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova (March 17, 2023), https :",
"title": "Intl Court Ruling on Iranian Assets Affects Arbitration Award Enf",
"url": ""
"date": "2024-05-22T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "Early in his tenure he resumed investigations into the Taliban while dropping those into alleged crimes by the US and other western nations in the...",
"title": "Karim Khan chose to act when Israel's leadership is at its most isolated and vulnerable - The Jewish Chronicle",
"url": ""
"date": "2023-12-04T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "A Câmara de Pré-Julgamento II do TPI considerou que os dois acusados são responsáveis pelo crime de guerra de deportação ilegal de crianças de áreas...",
"title": "Lula diz que Brasil convidará Putin para reunião do G20 no Rio, em 2024: 'Se ele comparecer, sabe o que pode acontecer' | Política | G1",
"url": ""
"date": "2023-12-04T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "O presidente russo foi acusado de ser o responsável por deportação ilegal de crianças em áreas ocupadas da Ucrânia para a Rússia. \"O Sr. Vladimir...",
"title": "Lula diz que Putin será chamado pelo Brasil para reunião do G20 no Rio",
"url": ""
"date": "2024-05-21T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "One of his first acts as prosecutor, which took many by surprise, was to \"deprioritize\" an investigation into abuse of prisoners by American forces in...",
"title": "More Than 800,000 Have Fled Rafah, UN Official Says: Israel-Hamas War Latest Updates - The New York Times",
"url": ""
"date": "2023-04-22T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "Alexie needed treatment from doctors in Germany to recover. And when he returned to Russia, President Putin had him imprisoned for violating probation (on an...",
"title": "More reports about Mad Vlad Putin - Santa Barbara News-Press",
"url": ""
"date": "2024-03-13T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "We're ready,\" Mr. Putin said. In the interview, Mr. Putin also denied having considered using weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine in the fall of...",
"title": "Putin Plays Down Threat of Nuclear War in Pre-Election State TV Interview - The New York Times",
"url": ""
"date": "2024-03-22T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "which is four times bigger than Chernobyl. Putin, 71, unleashed hell on civilians using a deadly arsenal of 88 missiles and 66 drones -",
"title": "Putin made chilling NUCLEAR threat when he emptied arsenal for biggest ever blitz...he can 'smell weakness', experts warn",
"url": ""
"date": "2024-03-22T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "which is four times bigger than Chernobyl. Putin, 71, unleashed hell on civilians using a deadly arsenal of 88 missiles and 66 drones -",
"title": "Putin made chilling NUCLEAR threat when he emptied arsenal for biggest ever blitz...he can 'smell weakness', experts warn | The Sun",
"url": ""
"date": "2024-05-07T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "The 71-year-old took the oath of office in a ceremony in the Kremlin, with several thousand people including senior Russian politicians and other high-ranking guests...",
"title": "Putin sworn in for 5th term as Russian president — National Accord Newspaper",
"url": ""
"date": "2024-05-22T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "And last month, Kyiv, through Qatari mediators, passed Moscow a list of 561 children whose return Ukrainian authorities are seeking. In March 2023, the International...",
"title": "Russia Returns 6 Children to Ukraine With Qatar's Mediation - The Moscow Times",
"url": ""
"date": "2023-06-23T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "That Khodorkovsky would criticize the Kremlin is no surprise. He is a former oil tycoon who publicly broke with Putin in 2003 and was later...",
"title": "Russia-Ukraine War: Russian Generals Accuse Mercenary Leader of Trying to Mount a Coup - The New York Times",
"url": ""
"date": "2024-01-24T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "But we should take a step back from Russia's multibillion-dollar propaganda machine's feedlot and look at the facts and logic. Putin has proven to be...",
"title": "Russian invasion: Why we should never negotiate with terrorists",
"url": ""
"date": "2024-03-24T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "to occupying a portion of eastern and southern Ukraine, the war is grinding on with Ukraine's counteroffensive since last summer now struggling. Putin earlier today...",
"title": "Some victims of Moscow shooting in critical condition, authorities say – as it happened | Moscow concert hall attack | The Guardian",
"url": ""
"date": "2023-03-21T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "On March 17, The International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants indicting the president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, for alleged war crimes...",
"title": "The (Ukrainian) kids aren't alright: The ICC issues historic arrest warrant for Putin's war crimes on Ukrainian children | The Brock Press",
"url": ""
"date": "2023-05-05T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "Bere Telegram kontuan argitaratutako bideo batean, «Wagnerreko borrokalarien eta komandantziaren izenean, 2023ko maiatzaren 10ean Bakhmut hiriko posizioak Defentsa Ministerioko unitateei entregatzera eta, zauriak miazkatzeko, gureak...",
"title": "Wagner taldeak Bakhmutetik erretiratuko dela ohartarazi du | Mundo | GARA Euskal Herriko egunkaria",
"url": ""
"date": "2023-07-20T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "But as a member of the ICC, it is in theory obligated to execute the warrant for arrest. According to a press release issued by...",
"title": "Why Putin won't go to South Africa for the BRICS summit in August | The Indian Express",
"url": ""
"date": "2023-03-20T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "Formal talks were scheduled for Tuesday, the Kremlin said. Xi's visit comes three days after Putin was made the subject of an arrest warrant by...",
"title": "Xi Jinping says China ready to 'stand guard over world order' on Moscow visit | Russia | The Guardian",
"url": ""
"date": "2023-04-17T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "Vladimir Kara-Murza, destacado defensor ruso de los derechos humanos y crítico con el Kremlin, fue sentenciado este lunes a 25 años de prisión por el...",
"title": "Última hora y noticias en vivo de la guerra de Rusia en Ucrania",
"url": ""
"date": "2024-01-16T00:00:00Z",
"snippet": "В отношении него составили протокол, который позднее аннулировали. После задержания Владимир Владимирович написал заявление в Центральный районный суд. Он потребовал 100 тысяч рублей за действия...",
"title": "В Новосибирске скончался судившийся с МВД ветеран ВОВ Владимир Степанов | ОБЩЕСТВО | АиФ Новосибирск",
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Adverse Media matched
Indicates whether the individual has adverse media related.
Last updated
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