KYC & Compliance (PJ44)
Section: pjKycCompliance
Required parameter: cnpj
Attribute | Type | Description |
statusCode | String | Query status (details) |
data | Object | Return data |
data.message | String | Description with query status |
data.pepHistory | Array | Object list with the political exposure history |
data.pepHistory[x].level | String | Level of political exposure |
data.pepHistory[x].jobTitle | String | Job |
data.pepHistory[x].department | String | Department |
data.pepHistory[x].motive | String | Reason |
data.pepHistory[x].cpf | String | CPF of the politically exposed partner |
data.pepHistory[x].firstLevelPepCpf | String | CPF of the politically exposed person related to the partner |
data.pepHistory[x].source | String | Source |
data.pepHistory[x].startDate | String | Start Date |
data.pepHistory[x].endDate | String | End Date |
data.pepHistory[x].creationDate | String | Date Created |
data.pepHistory[x].lastUpdateDate | String | Date last updated |
data.sanctionsHistory | Array | Object list with sanction and restriction history |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].source | String | Sanction source |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].type | String | Sanction type |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].matchRate | String | Name approximation rate |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details | Object | Details |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.agreementNumber | String | Agreement number |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.grantingBody | String | Granting authority |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.impedimentReason | String | Impediment reasons |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.nameInformedBySanctioningBody | String | Name entered |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.processNumber | String | Case Number |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.sanctioningBody | String | Sanctioning body |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.sanctioningBodyState | String | Sanctioning body status |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.informationOrigin | String | Origin of information |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.informationOriginDate | String | Date.sanctionsHistory[x] of information origin |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.publicationDate | Date | Date.sanctionsHistory[x] of publication |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.publication | String | Publication |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.legalSubstantiation | String | Legal Reasoning |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.legalSubstantiationDescription | String | Description of the legal basis |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.transitDueDate | Date | Date.sanctionsHistory[x] of expiration of transaction |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.actionYear | String | Year of action |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.employer | String | Employer |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.establishment | String | Establishment |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.state | String | State |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.cnae | String | CNAE |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.originalName | String | Original Name |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.sanctionName | String | Name of the sanction |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.nationalities | String | Nationality |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.fineAmount | String | Amount of the fine |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.organComplement | String | Body Complement |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.scopeDefinedInJudicialDecision | String | Scope defined in court decision |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.resjusdicataDate | String | Termination date |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.amountOfWorkersInvolved | String | Number of workers involved |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.nameInSanctionList | String | Name on sanction list |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.designation | String | Designation |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.nationality | String | Nationality |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.title | String | Title |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.nationalIdentificationNumber | String | National Identification Number |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.permanentReferenceNumber | String | Permanent Reference Number |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.otherInformation | String | Other information |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.tadNumber | String | Tad number |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.selfInfringementNumber | String | Self infraction number |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.deforestedAreaHa | String | Deforested area Hectare |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.propertyLocation | String | Property location |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.propertyUF | String | Property Federative Unit |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.propertyCounty | String | Property country |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.infraction | String | Infraction |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.registrationDate | String | Date of Registration |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.judgementDate | String | Date of Sentence |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.penalty | String | Penalty |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.penaltyTimeToBeServed | String | Penalty time to be served |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.finalDeadline | String | Term |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.irregularAction | String | Irregular Action |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.deliberationContent | String | Content of Deliberation |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.referenceDate | String | Reference Date |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.decisionType | String | Type of Decision |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.timeToBeServed | String | Time to be served |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.judgementDescription | String | Decision Description |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.completeDecisionURL | String | Complete decision URL |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].details.processInfoUrl | String | URL of process information |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].startDate | String | Start date |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].standardizedSanctionType | String | Standardized sanction type |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].nameUniquenessScore | String | Name exclusivity score |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].creationDate | String | Creation date |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].lastUpdateDate | String | Last updated date |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].isCurrentlyPresentOnSource | String | Is currently present at source |
data.sanctionsHistory[x].endDate | String | End Date |
data.isCurrentlyPEP | Boolean | Indicates whether the person is currently an EPP |
data.isCurrentlySanctioned | Boolean | Indicates whether the person is currently under any sanctions |
data.last30DaysSanctions | Number | Number of sanctions and restrictions encountered in the past 30 days |
data.last90DaysSanctions | Number | Number of sanctions and restrictions encountered during the past 90 days |
data.last180DaysSanctions | Number | Number of sanctions and restrictions encountered during the last 180 days |
data.last365DaysSanctions | Number | Number of sanctions and restrictions encountered during the last 365 days |
data.lastYearPEPOccurence | Number | Number of PEP registrations found in the last year |
data.last3YearsPEPOccurence | Number | Number of PEP registers found in the last 3 years |
data.last5YearsPEPOccurence | Number | Number of PEP registers found in the last 5 years |
data.last5PlusYearsPEPOccurence | Number | Number of PEP records found in the last 5 or more years |
data.isCurrentlyElectoralDonor | Boolean | Indicates if the person donates to political campaigns |
data.isHistoricalElectoralDonor | Boolean | Indicates whether the person has donated to political campaigns |
data.totalElectoralDonationsLastTwoElections | Number | Number of donations made in the last two election cycles |
data.totalElectoralDonations | Number | Total number of donations made |
data.totalElectoralDonationAmountLastTwoElections | Number | Sum of the amount donated in the last two election cycles |
data.totalElectoralDonationAmount | Number | Total amount donated |
data.firstSanctionDate | String | Date of the first sanction |
data.lastSanctionDate | String | Date of last sanction |
KYC & Membership Compliance (PJ59)
Returns a list with the partners of the queried company.
Section: pjKycComplianceOwners
Required parameter: cnpj
Attribute | Type | Description |
statusCode | String | Query status (details) |
data | Array | Return data |
data[x].cpf | String | Member's CPF |
data[x].pepHistory | Array | List of objects with political exposure history |
data[x].pepHistory[x].level | String | PPE(Politically Exposed Person) level |
data[x].pepHistory[x].jobTitle | String | Position |
data[x].pepHistory[x].department | String | Department |
data[x].pepHistory[x].motive | String | Reason |
data[x].pepHistory[x].source | String | Source |
data[x].pepHistory[x].startDate | String | Date person became a PEP |
data[x].pepHistory[x].endDate | String | Date person ceased to be an EPP |
data[x].pepHistory[x].creationDate | String | Date created |
data[x].pepHistory[x].lastUpdateDate | String | Date last updated |
data[x].isCurrentlyPEP | Boolean | Whether it is currently a SPP |
data[x].sanctionsHistory | Array | Object list with sanction and restriction history |
data[x].sanctionsHistory[x].source | String | Sanction source |
data[x].sanctionsHistory[x].type | String | Type of sanction |
data[x].sanctionsHistory[x].matchRate | String | Indication of how closely the name resembles |
data[x].sanctionsHistory[x].startDate | String | Start date |
data[x].sanctionsHistory[x].endDate | String | End Date |
data[x].sanctionsHistory[x].originalName | String | Original name associated with the individual |
data[x].sanctionsHistory[x].sanctionName | String | Name registered on the international sanctions list |
data[x].sanctionsHistory[x].nationalities | String | Nationalities associated with the individual |
data[x].sanctionsHistory[x].image | String | Individual's photo |
data[x].sanctionsHistory[x].height | String | Height of Individual |
data[x].sanctionsHistory[x].eyes | String | Eye Color |
data[x].sanctionsHistory[x].distinguishMarks | String | Characteristics |
data[x].sanctionsHistory[x].description | String | General description of sanction |
data[x].isCurrentlySanctioned | Boolean | If you are currently being sanctioned |
data[x].last30DaysSanctions | Number | Sanctions during last 30 days |
data[x].last90DaysSanctions | Number | Sanction in the last 90 days |
data[x].last180DaysSanctions | Number | Sanctions in the last 180 days |
data[x].last365DaysSanctions | Number | Sanctioning in the last 365 days |
data[x].lastYearPEPOccurence | Number | Occurrence of PEP in the last year |
data[x].last3YearsPEPOccurence | Number | PEP occurrence within the last three years |
data[x].last5YearsPEPOccurence | Number | WBS Occurrence within the last five years |
data[x].last5PlusYearsPEPOccurence | Number | WBS Occurrence within the last five years or more |
data[x].firstSanctionDate | String | Date of first sanction |
data[x].lastSanctionDate | String | Date of last sanction |
data.totalCurrentlyPEP | Number | Total current PEPs |
data.totalHistoricallyPEP | Number | Total PEPs History |
data.totalCurrentlySanctioned | Number | Total current sanctions |
data.totalHistoricallySanctioned | Number | Total sanctions history |
data.averageSanctionsPerOwner | Number | Average number of sanctions per company partner |
data.pepPercentage | Number | Percentage of WBS |
data.ownerMaxSanctions | Number | Highest number of sanctions of a single member |
data.ownerMinSanctions | Number | Lowest number of sanctions of a single member |
data.last30DaysSanctions | Number | Sanctions in the last 30 days |
data.last90DaysSanctions | Number | Sanctions in the last 90 days |
data.last180DaysSanctions | Number | Sanctions in the last 180 days |
data.last365DaysSanctions | Number | Penalties within the last 365 days |
data.lastYearPEPOccurence | Number | Occurrence of PEP in the last year |
data.last3YearsPEPOccurence | Number | PEP occurrence within the last three years |
data.last5YearsPEPOccurence | Number | WBS Occurrence within the last five years |
data.last5PlusYearsPEPOccurence | Number | WBS Occurrence within the last five years or more |
data.firstSanctionDate | String | Date of first sanction |
data.lastSanctionDate | String | Date of last sanction |
data.activeOwners | String Array | CPF of active owners |
data.inactiveOwners | String Array | CPF of inactive owners |
Lawsuits - NEW (PJ66)
Returns information about legal actions that the person has, of any type (criminal, civil, labor, ...).
Section: pj_processes_alt
Required : cnpj
Attribute | Type | Description |
statusCode | String | Query status (details) |
data | Object | Return data |
data.message | String | Description with query status |
data.total | Number | Total number of processes |
data.results | Array | List of processes returned |
data.results[x].id | String | Query identifier |
data.results[x].criminalCategory | String | Category of process |
data.results[x].lawsuitClass | String | Class |
data.results[x].distributionDate | String | Distribution date |
data.results[x].statusDate | String | Status date |
data.results[x].lawsuitDegree | String | Degree of lawsuit |
data.results[x].physicalLocation | String | Physical location |
data.results[x].oldLawsuitNumber | String | Old Case Number |
data.results[x].judgingBody | String | Trial court |
data.results[x].lawsuitId | String | Case number |
data.results[x].isDigitalLawsuit | Boolean | If the case is digital |
data.results[x].lawBranch | String | Branch of Law |
data.results[x].segment | String | Segment |
data.results[x].isJusticeSecret | Boolean | If it is a legal secret |
data.results[x].complementaryStatus | String | Complementary status |
data.results[x].observationStatus | String | Observation status |
data.results[x].court | String | Court |
data.results[x].state | String | STATE |
data.results[x].sourceUnit | String | Unit of origin |
data.results[x].lawsuitUrl | String | Process URL |
data.results[x].lawsuitValue | Object | Process value return |
data.results[x].lawsuitValue.currency | String | Currency (R$, U$, etc) |
data.results[x].lawsuitValue.value | Number | Value |
data.results[x].subjects | String Array | Subjects list |
data.results[x].moves | Array | Process' movement list |
data.results[x].moves[x].date | String | Date of the movement |
data.results[x].moves[x].description | String | Description of the movement |
data.results[x].actives | Array | Assets list |
data.results[x].actives[x].cnpj | String | CNPJ |
data.results[x].actives[x].cpf | String | CPF |
data.results[x].actives[x].name | String | Name |
data.results[x].actives[x].type | String | Type |
data.results[x].actives[x].lawyers | Array | List of Lawyers |
data.results[x].actives[x].lawyers[x].oab | String | OAB Number |
data.results[x].actives[x].lawyers[x].name | String | Name |
data.results[x].actives[x].lawyers[x].cpf | String | CPF |
data.results[x].passives | Array | List of liabilities |
data.results[x].passives[x].cnpj | String | CNPJ |
data.results[x].passives[x].cpf | String | CPF |
data.results[x].passives[x].name | String | Name |
data.results[x].passives[x].type | String | Type |
data.results[x].passives[x].lawyers | Array | List of Lawyers |
data.results[x].passives[x].lawyers[x].oab | String | OAB Number |
data.results[x].passives[x].lawyers[x].name | String | Name |
data.results[x].passives[x].lawyers[x].cpf | String | CPF |
data.results[x].otherParties | Array | Other parties list |
data.results[x].otherParties[x].cnpj | String | CNPJ |
data.results[x].otherParties[x].cpf | String | CPF |
data.results[x].otherParties[x].name | String | Name |
data.results[x].otherParties[x].type | String | Type |
data.results[x].otherParties[x].lawyers | Array | List of Lawyers |
data.results[x].otherParties[x].lawyers[x].oab | String | OAB Number |
data.results[x].otherParties[x].lawyers[x].name | String | Name |
data.results[x].otherParties[x].lawyers[x].cpf | String | CPF |
data.results[x].authorType | String | Author Type |
data.results[x].authorParty | String | Author Party |
Lawsuits with keywords (PJ49)
Returns information about legal actions that the person has, of any type (criminal, civil, labor, ...).
Section: pj_processes_with_keywords
Required parameter: cnpj
Attribute | Type | Description |
statusCode | String | Query status (details) |
data | Object | Return data |
data.message | String | Description with query status |
data.total | Number | Total number of processes |
data.results | Array | List of processes returned |
data.results[x].id | String | Query identifier |
data.results[x].criminalCategory | String | Category of process |
data.results[x].lawsuitClass | String | Class |
data.results[x].distributionDate | String | Distribution date |
data.results[x].statusDate | String | Status date |
data.results[x].lawsuitDegree | String | Degree of lawsuit |
data.results[x].physicalLocation | String | Physical location |
data.results[x].oldLawsuitNumber | String | Old Case Number |
data.results[x].judgingBody | String | Trial court |
data.results[x].lawsuitId | String | Case number |
data.results[x].isDigitalLawsuit | Boolean | If the case is digital |
data.results[x].lawBranch | String | Branch of Law |
data.results[x].segment | String | Segment |
data.results[x].isJusticeSecret | Boolean | If it is a legal secret |
data.results[x].complementaryStatus | String | Complementary status |
data.results[x].observationStatus | String | Observation status |
data.results[x].court | String | Court |
data.results[x].state | String | STATE |
data.results[x].sourceUnit | String | Unit of origin |
data.results[x].lawsuitUrl | String | Case URL |
data.results[x].otherFields | Object | Other Fields |
data.results[x].otherFields.juiz | Object | Judge |
data.results[x].otherFields.juiz.nome | String | Judge name |
data.results[x].lawsuitValue | Object | Process Value Return |
data.results[x].lawsuitValue.currency | String | Currency (R$, U$, etc) |
data.results[x].lawsuitValue.value | Number | Value |
data.results[x].subjects | String Array | List of Subjects |
data.results[x].moves | Array | List of lawsuit movements |
data.results[x].moves[x].date | String | Date of the movement |
data.results[x].moves[x].description | String | Description of the movement |
data.results[x].actives | Array | Assets list |
data.results[x].actives[x].cnpj | String | CNPJ |
data.results[x].actives[x].cpf | String | CPF |
data.results[x].actives[x].name | String | Name |
data.results[x].actives[x].type | String | Type |
data.results[x].actives[x].lawyers | Array | List of Lawyers |
data.results[x].actives[x].lawyers[x].oab | String | OAB Number |
data.results[x].actives[x].lawyers[x].name | String | Name |
data.results[x].actives[x].lawyers[x].cpf | String | CPF |
data.results[x].passives | Array | List of liabilities |
data.results[x].passives[x].cnpj | String | CNPJ |
data.results[x].passives[x].cpf | String | CPF |
data.results[x].passives[x].name | String | Name |
data.results[x].passives[x].type | String | Type |
data.results[x].passives[x].lawyers | Array | List of Lawyers |
data.results[x].passives[x].lawyers[x].oab | String | OAB Number |
data.results[x].passives[x].lawyers[x].name | String | Name |
data.results[x].passives[x].lawyers[x].cpf | String | CPF |
data.results[x].otherParties | Array | Other parties list |
data.results[x].otherParties[x].cnpj | String | CNPJ |
data.results[x].otherParties[x].cpf | String | CPF |
data.results[x].otherParties[x].name | String | Name |
data.results[x].otherParties[x].type | String | Type |
data.results[x].otherParties[x].lawyers | Array | List of Lawyers |
data.results[x].otherParties[x].lawyers[x].oab | String | OAB Number |
data.results[x].otherParties[x].lawyers[x].name | String | Name |
data.results[x].otherParties[x].lawyers[x].cpf | String | CPF |
data.results[x].authorType | String | Author Type |
data.results[x].authorParty | String | Author Party |
Media Exposure + Related News (PJ67)
It returns global indicators that show the overall level of a company's media exposure, the nature of that exposure, detailed content identified, and the result of sentiment analysis.
Section: pjMediaProfileAndExposure
Required parameter: cnpj
Attribute | Type | Description |
statusCode | String | Query status (details) |
data | Object | Return data |
data.message | String | Descriptive with query status |
data.mediaExposureLevel | String | Media exposure level |
data.celebrityLevel | String | Celebrity level |
data.unpopularityLevel | String | Level of unpopularity |
data.newsItems | Array | List of news captured for the entity |
data.newsItems[x].title | String | Title of the news |
data.newsItems[x].sourceName | String | Name of the source responsible for the news |
data.newsItems[x].url | String | URL of the news |
data.newsItems[x].sentimentAnalysis | Object | Sentiment analysis |
data.newsItems[x].sentimentAnalysis.label | String | Label (positive, negative) attributed to the content in general |
data.newsItems[x].sentimentAnalysis.peopleCount | String | Number of people identified in the content |
data.newsItems[x].sentimentAnalysis.placesCount | String | Number of places identified in the content |
data.newsItems[x].sentimentAnalysis.organizationsCount | String | Number of companies identified in the content |
data.newsItems[x].sentimentAnalysis.entities | Object | Dictionary with entity names and labels of the content |
data.newsItems[x].categories | Array | List of categories of the news |
data.newsItems[x].captureDate | String | Date in which the news was captured |
data.newsItems[x].publicationDate | String | News publication date |
data.creationDate | String | Creation date |
data.lastUpdateDate | String | Date of last update |
OFAC Sanctions List
Query the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN) List of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). The query is by name and is international in scope.
Section: pjOfacSanctionsList
Required paremter: name
Attribute | Type | Description |
statusCode | String | Query status (details) |
data | Object | Return data |
data.message | String | Description with query status |
data.sanctionsList | Array | List of protocols found for the queried cpf |
data.sanctionsList[x].type | String | Type |
data.sanctionsList[x].entityName | String | Company name |
data.sanctionsList[x].list | String | List to which the name belongs |
data.sanctionsList[x].program | String | Program to which the name belongs |
data.sanctionsList[x].remarks | String | Observations |
data.sanctionsList[x].identifications | Array | List of known identifications of the name entered |
data.sanctionsList[x].identifications[x].type | String | Type of identification |
data.sanctionsList[x].identifications[x].number | String | Document number |
data.sanctionsList[x].identifications[x].country | String | Document's country of origin |
data.sanctionsList[x].identifications[x].issueDate | String | Document Date of Issue |
data.sanctionsList[x].identifications[x].expireDate | String | Document's expiration date |
data.sanctionsList[x].aliases | Array | List of surnames by which the name entered can also be identified |
data.sanctionsList[x].aliases[x].type | String | Type of surname |
data.sanctionsList[x].aliases[x].category | String | Category of surname |
data.sanctionsList[x].aliases[x].name | String | First or last name (can be false document) |
data.sanctionsList[x].addresses | Array | List of known addresses of the entered name |
data.sanctionsList[x].addresses[x].address | String | Address |
data.sanctionsList[x].addresses[x].city | String | City |
data.sanctionsList[x].addresses[x].stateOrProvince | String | State or province |
data.sanctionsList[x].addresses[x].postalCode | String | Postal code (CEP) |
data.sanctionsList[x].addresses[x].country | String | Country |
Private Restrictions List (PJ78)
Query the presence in the private list of restrictions.
Section: pjDenyListPrivate
Required parameter: cnpj
Attribute | Type | Description |
statusCode | String | Query status (details) |
data | Object | Return data |
data.message | String | Descriptive with query status |
data.recordFound | Boolean | Indicative of presence in the private restriction list |
data.cnpj | String | CNPJ |
data.name | String | Name |
Consult the ANTT site to identify if the carrier is qualified to perform activities.
Section: antt
Required parameter: cnpj, plate
Plate formats: AAA9999 or AAA9A999
Attribute | Type | Description |
statusCode | String | Query status (details) |
data | Object | Return data |
data.hasRegister | Boolean | Status informing whether it contains record |
data.transporter | String | Carrier |
data.rntrc | String | RNTRC number |
data.rntrcSituation | String | Status |
data.memberSince | String | Date of first relationship |
data.expirationDate | String | Expiry date |
data.city | String | City |
data.message | String | Message present at registration |
Last updated