PGFN Debtor's List (PJ94)
Returns if the queried CNPJ is registered in active debts with PGFN.
Section: pjPgfnDebtors
Required parameter: cnpj
Attribute | Type | Description |
statusCode | String | Query status (details) |
data | Object | Return data |
data.message | String | Query result descriptive message |
data.hasDebts | Boolean | Debt status (true/false) |
data.debtValue | String | Amount owed to PGFN |
Associated CVM (PJ65)
Returns information of CNPJ that have relation with financial market
Section: pjAssociatedCvm
Required parameter: cnpj
Attribute | Type | Description |
statusCode | String | Query status (details) |
data | Object | Return data |
data.message | String | Descriptive with query status | | Array | Describes the data of the Registration Types at the Comissão de Valores Mobiliarios |[x].name | String | Name of the individual |[x].type | String | Type of registration |[x].recordDate | String | Date of registration |[x].situation | String | Cadastro Status |[x].directors | Array | List of objects that contain data about directors |[x].directors[x].name | String | Name of the company in which the CPF is a director |[x].directors[x].startDate | String | Beginning date of the position as director |[x].directors[x].instruction | String | Instruction of the director in the company |
Temporary Penalties at CVM (PJ93)
Consult the list of CVM's Temporary Penalties if the participant is temporarily prevented from operating in the capital markets due to a decision in a Sanctioning Administrative Proceeding.
Section: pjPenaltiesOnCvm
Required parameter: name
Attribute | Type | Description |
statusCode | String | Query status (details) |
data | Object | Return data |
data.message | String | Description with query status |
data.listOfSetences | Array | List of members set/punished |
data.listOfSetences[x].processNumber | String | Process Number |
data.listOfSetences[x].name | String | Participant |
data.listOfSetences[x].decisionType | String | Type of Decision |
data.listOfSetences[x].judgementDate | String | Date of CVM Sentencing |
data.listOfSetences[x].effectiveDate | String | Effective Date of Penalty |
data.listOfSetences[x].timeOfWithdrawal | String | Removal Time |
Ownership Interest in Company (PJ90)
Returns the percentage of participation of the partners in a company.
Section: pjCompanyOwnersPercentage
Required parameter: cnpj
Attribute | Type | Description |
statusCode | String | Query status (details) |
data | Object | Return data |
data.message | String | Descriptive with query status |
data.companyShares | Array | Estimated income value |
data.companyShares[x].cnpj | String | CNPJ |
data.companyShares[x].cpf | String | CPF |
data.companyShares[x].corporateName | String | Company name |
data.companyShares[x].totalShare | String | Percentage of participation |
Credit Information System (PJ96)
Returns a person's credit information.
Section: pjCreditOperationsSCR
Required parameters: cnpj, PJ
Attribute | Type | Description |
statusCode | String | Query status (details) |
data | Object | Return data |
data.message | String | Description with query status |
data.clientCode | String | CNPJ |
data.registrationDate | Date | Registration date |
data.baseDate | Date | Base date for consultation |
data.assumedCoobligation | Number | Co-obligation assumed in cession of credit by client |
data.receivedCoobligation | Number | Co-obligation received in credit assignment |
data.processedDocumentsPercentage | Number | Percentage of the 3040 documents expected for the base date and that have already been incorporated to the SCR database in the Central Bank, not considering the exempt financial institutions |
data.processedVolumePercentage | Number | Percentage of the volume expected for the base date and which are already incorporated to the SCR database at the Central Bank, not considering the exempted financial institutions |
data.totalOfInstituions | String | Number of financial institutions (FIs) where the client has operations |
data.totalOfTransactions | String | Number of operations of the client in the SFN |
data.totalDisagreementTransactions | String | Number of operations marked with a manifestation of disagreement |
data.totalSubJudiceTransactions | String | Number of operations marked with sub judice |
data.fullLiabilityDisagreement | String | Total responsibility of operations marked with manifestation of disagreement |
data.fullLiabilitySubJudice | String | Total liability of operations under judgement |
data.indirectVendorRisk | String | Indirect risk assumed by the client in vendor operations |
data.operationSumaryList | Array | List containing summary of operations |
data.operationSumaryList[x].modalityCategoryCode | String | Operation modality code |
data.operationSumaryList[x].modalityCategoryDescription | String | Description of the operation modality code |
data.operationSumaryList[x].modalitySubCategoryCode | String | Subcategory code |
data.operationSumaryList[x].modalitySubCategoryDescription | String | Description of the subcategory indicator |
data.operationSumaryList[x].listOfDebts | Array | Due date list |
data.operationSumaryList[x].listOfDebts[x].expirationCode | String | Maturity indicator |
data.operationSumaryList[x].listOfDebts[x].expirationDescription | String | Description of due date indicator |
data.operationSumaryList[x].listOfDebts[x].value | String | Due date value |
Last updated