Validation rules
The validations of a transaction are characterised by a set of rules that are used to define the query status/result. Each rule has an identifier, a status and a description. For example, if the rule indicates an irregularity, it will contain the status INVALID and a corresponding description. If the rule is successfully validated, its status will be VALID and have a description accordingly.
Note: There are scenarios where not all rules are processed, so a transaction may not contain all available validations.
Available rules
Identifier | Description |
active_cnpj_number | Check that the CNPJ is active with the Receita Federal. |
authentic_cnpj_number | Check that the CNPJ number is authentic. |
blacklist_not_contains_face | The rule will be invalid if we find a similar face in the CAF suspect database. |
cnh_has_valid_date | Checks that the expiry date of the CNH is not expired. |
company_qsa_data_compatibility | The rule will be invalid if the name and CPF of the partners sent in the PJ onboarding are different from those in the PF onboarding. |
cpf_equal_name | Checks that the name found in the run (parameter/OCR) is the same as the official database. |
cpf_error_code | Checks that the CPF is in order. |
cpf_has_not_dead | The rule will be invalid if the consulted CPF is in a deceased status according to the Basic PF Data or Receita Federal (pfBasicData, cpf, and pfData). |
cpf_is_legal_representative | Verifies if the CPF holder is the legal representative of the company. |
cpf_null | Checks that the basic data source is returning values. |
cpf_query | Check if it was possible to consult the CPF at the Receita Federal. |
data_and_document_are_equal | The rule will be invalid if there is a discrepancy between the parameter information and the OCR. |
disabled_on_bacen | Checks if the CPF consulted is not authorized by the Central Bank. |
document_is_known | The rule will be invalid if the document is categorized as "others", "null", or "invalid". |
document_issue_less_than_10 | The rule will be invalid if the document was issued more than 10 years ago. |
documentscopy_approved | Verifies the authenticity of the document on the basis of documentary expertise. |
documentscopy_available | The rule will be invalid if document analysis is unavailable. |
does_not_exist_on_receita_federal_database | The rule will be invalid if the CPF is not found in the Receita Federal database. |
driver_has_traffic_violations | Checks if there are any infringements for the document consulted. |
face_and_birthdate_compare | The rule will be invalid if the estimated age based on the selfie is different from the date of birth returned in the Receita Federal or read in the OCR. |
facematch_has_selfie_photo | The rule checks whether the submission contains a selfie or not. What triggers the rule is the absence of a selfie. |
facematch_is_equal | Compare the similarity of the document to the selfie. |
first_and_last_name_similarity | Checks the similarity between the union of the first and last name sent in the parameters compared to the union of the first name and each surname in the source. |
government_document_approved | Verifies the authenticity of the document with the Government's base. |
government_document_available | Checks if the document is available in the Government base. |
has_arrest_warrant | Checks the existence of warrants with the National Council of Justice (CNJ). |
has_at_least_one_cnae | The rule will be invalid if the company does not have any corresponding CNAEs as defined in the extra rule settings. |
has_at_least_one_legal_nature | The rule will be invalid if the company does not have a corresponding Legal Nature as defined in the extra rule settings. |
has_author_type_null_in_criminal_processes | Checks if there is an empty 'authorType' field in any criminal case. |
has_cnh_for_more_than_three_years | The rule will be invalid if the driver has less than 3 years of licensing. |
has_cpf | Checks whether the transaction has a CPF (read by the OCR or entered manually). |
has_debts_on_pgfn | The rule will be invalid if there are debts with the PGFN. |
has_definitive_cnh | The rule will be invalid if the driver does not have a permanent license. |
has_document | Identifies if the uploaded images contain valid documents |
has_no_arrest_warrant | Checks if there are arrest warrants for the CPF |
has_no_class_organizations | Checks if the CPF has links to professional associations. |
has_no_criminal_background | Checks if the CPF has criminal records/background. |
has_no_criminal_background_federal | The rule will be invalid if the CPF has criminal records in the Federal Police. |
has_no_criminal_processes | Checks if the CPF/CNPJ is linked to criminal proceedings. |
has_no_defendant_processes | Checks if the CPF/CNPJ is linked to proceedings as a defendant. |
has_no_financial_protests | The rule will be invalid if the company has financial protests. |
has_no_ibope_income | Check the Ibope income of a CPF. |
has_no_inconsistent_data | The rule will become invalid if there is inconsistency in the data sent for querying the Federal Police. |
has_no_labor_debts | The rule will be invalid if there are labor debts. |
has_no_media_exposure | Checks if the CPF holder has media exposure. |
has_no_participant_antt | The rule will be invalid if the consulted vehicle and person/company are not authorized to perform activities. |
has_no_participant_cvm | The rule will be invalid if the consulted CPF/CNPJ is not registered with the CVM. |
has_no_pep | Checks whether the CPF or CNPJ holder has political exposure. |
has_no_pep_or_sanctions_compliance_owners | Checks for PEPs or sanctions on a company's partners. |
has_no_processes | Checks if the CPF/CNPJ is linked to processes. |
has_no_processes_active_party | Check if the CPF is linked to processes as an active party. |
has_no_processes_passive_party | Check if the CPF is linked to processes as a passive party. |
has_no_processes_other_party | Check if the CPF is linked to processes as other parties. |
has_no_sanctions | Check that no sanctions have been found on restrictive lists. |
has_no_sintegra_record | The rule will be invalid if the CNPJ is not registered in Sintegra. |
has_no_spc_restrictions | Checks if the CPF has any restrictions with the SPC. |
has_no_total_share | The rule will be invalid if the participation value is null or invalid. |
has_penalties_on_cvm | The rule will be invalid if the CPF is temporarily barred from acting with the CVM. |
has_process_on_cade | The rule will be invalid if there are procedural protocols with CADE. |
has_processes_keywords | The rule will become invalid if any of the configured keywords are found in the processes. |
has_protest_at_notaries_office | The rule will be invalid if there are protests at the notary's office for the CPF. |
has_salary_information | Checks if information on estimated income has been found |
invalid_range_ages | Checks that the CPF holder is within the configured age range. |
is_between_two_and_four_salaries | Check if the estimated income is between two (02) and four (04) minimum wages. |
is_cnh | Verifies if the document sent is a CNH. |
is_company_lifetime_greater_than_six_months | The rule will be invalid if the company's lifespan is less than 6 months. |
is_cpf_regular | The rule will be invalid if the CPF has irregular registration in the Receita Federal. |
is_less_than_two_salaries | Checks if the estimated income is less than two (02) minimum wages. |
is_literate | The rule will be invalid if the OCR identifies that the document belongs to a non-literate person. |
is_more_than_four_salaries | Checks if the estimated income is above four (04) minimum wages. |
is_not_alive | The rule will be invalid if the consulted CPF is in a deceased status according to the Basic PF Data or Receita Federal (pfBasicData and pfData). |
is_not_cancelled | The rule will be invalid if the consulted CPF has canceled registration in the Receita Federal. |
is_not_ctps | The rule will be invalid if the document is not a work permit. |
is_not_me_company | Checks that the size of the company is not ME according to the Receita Federal. |
is_not_null | The rule will be invalid if the consulted CPF has null registration status in the Receita Federal. |
is_not_passport | The rule will be invalid if the document is a passport. |
is_not_pendant_of_regularization | The rule will be invalid if the consulted CPF has pending regularization status in the Receita Federal. |
is_not_photocopy_black_and_white | Check if the document is a black and white photocopy. |
is_not_suspended | The rule will be invalid if the consulted CPF has suspended registration status in the Receita Federal. |
is_on_ofac_sanctions_list | Checks if there are any records at OFAC for the name entered. |
is_passport | The rule will be invalid if the document is not a passport. |
is_readable | Checks that the documents are legible. |
issued_over_16_years | Checks that the difference between the date of birth and the issue of the ID document is greater than or equal to 16 years. |
its_on_deny_list | The rule will be invalid if the consulted CPF/CNPJ is on the Deny List. |
liveness_approved | Check that the liveness has been approved. |
liveness_double_check | This rule sends the selfie for manual anti-spoofing verification. |
liveness_manual_revision | This rule sends the selfie for manual anti-spoofing verification. |
minimum_company_lifetime | Checks that the company's lifespan is longer than the minimum required. |
ocr_equals_parameters | The rule will be invalid if the information provided in the parameters and read by the OCR are different. |
over_14 | Checks if the CPF holder is over 14 years old. |
over_16 | Checks if the CPF holder is over 16 years old. |
over_18 | Checks if the CPF holder is over 18 years old. |
over_21 | Checks if the CPF holder is over 21 years old. |
parameters_and_document_are_equal | Checks for discrepancies between the data in the document and that entered manually. |
parameters_and_document_undefined_or_equal | Checks for non-existence or divergence between document data and manually entered data. |
private_faceset_not_contains_face | The rule will be invalid if the submitted selfie matches one of the selfies registered in the Private Face Database. |
qsa_consistent | The rule will be invalid if the QSA information provided in attributes differs from the QSA information provided in the Federal Revenue Service consultation. To use this rule, the Create Transaction API attributes must include the field: |
qsa_pj_data_not_empty | Check the corporate structure published by Receita Federal. |
rg_has_cpf | The rule will be invalid if the RG document type does not have the CPF field filled. |
rg_issue_less_than_25 | The rule will be invalid if the RG document type was issued more than 25 years ago. |
shared_faceset_not_contains_face | The rule will be invalid if the submitted selfie matches one of the selfies registered in the Shared Face Database. |
valid_cnh_registration_number | Check that the CNH registration number is valid. |
valid_cnpj_number | Verifies if the CNPJ number is valid. |
valid_cpf_number | Verifies if the CPF number is valid. |
valid_issue_date | Checks that the document's issue date is valid. |
valid_issue_state | Checks that the UF of the body issuing the document is valid. |
valid_rg_issue_authority | Check that the issuing body of the ID card is valid. |
valid_rg_number | Check that the ID number is valid. |
vehicle_has_traffic_violations | Checks if the vehicle has any infractions with Denatran in the last 365 days. |
Last updated