Using mTLS

The use of Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) in integration with the Joint Resolution 6 solution provides an additional layer of security and authentication, ensuring secure communication between clients and our services. To access the Joint Resolution 6 solution through mTLS, clients must possess a certificate signed by the Caf for mutual authentication.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use mTLS to access our solution:

  1. Certificate submission Client: Send the required certificate for mTLS authentication to the Caf through Keeper, using the designated folder mTLS Origin Cert.

  2. Certificate signing Caf: Upon receiving the certificate, the Caf performs the necessary signing for validation.

  3. Receipt of signed certificate Client: The Caf sends the signed certificate back to the client, using Keeper and the designated folder mTLS Signed Cert.

  4. Use of signed certificate Client: With the signed certificate in hand, the client can now use it for authentication and access to the Joint Resolution 6 solution.

Then, make sure to change the base URL:

Base URL:

This guide provides a simplified overview of the process of using mTLS to access the Joint Resolution 6 solution, highlighting the importance of security in the communication between clients and our services. Be sure to carefully follow each step to ensure a successful integration.

For any questions or technical issues, do not hesitate to contact our technical support team.

Last updated