A query submitted to the Anti-Fraud services is called a Transaction. A transaction may contain the execution of one or more services configured in the query model or informed in the request body. These services may be internal analyses or external queries that are performed on the processing conveyor. After that, based on validation rules, the status is set for the transaction.
Services and validation rules can be configured only in the query template.
A transaction is characterized by an endpoint where the required services can be informed and a set of rules validated.
Indicates the transaction's current status using merchant-defined custom definitions pre-configured in the Trust Platform.
Unique ID of the Query Template.
Example: "638a021fdeb2b90008c790d1"
Unique identifier of the onboarding that generated the transaction. Note that these values are only returned for transactions that originated from the service Web Onboarding.
Attributes sent when creating the transaction.
createdAt*string (date-time)
Transaction creation date.
Example: "2022-09-08T22:10:14.816Z"
Document type sent: • "rg" (Brazilian General Registry) The RG is a document used to identify Brazilian citizens. • "cnh" (Brazilian Driver's License) It is a mandatory document for any citizen who intends to drive a motor vehicle. • "crlv" (Vehicle Registration and License Certificate) Is the document issued annually to indicate that the vehicle is fit to circulate on Brazilian streets. • "rne" (Brazilian Foreigner Registry) Is a document that certifies the identity of foreign individuals with temporary or permanent residence in Brazil. • "rnm" (Brazilian Migratory Registry) Is the alphanumeric register number resulting from the identification of each immigrant through his or her personal information and fingerprints. • "ctps" (Employment and Social Security Card) Is a document that contains information about the worker's professional life and his affiliation to the National Institute of Social Security - INSS. • "passport" Personal and non-transferable document, issued by the authority of a State for the free transit of its nationals in the country that admits them to its territory. • "outros" (Others) When there is a document in the image but it is not of a type mapped by us. • "invalido" (Invalid) When there is no document in the image.
Example: "cnh"
Images sent for analysis.
Contains the data on the services performed as defined by the Query template. Each attribute represents a service.
Indicates whether it is an attempt at fraud or not.
Example: false
filesarray of object
Other files linked to the transaction. Note that these values are only returned for transactions that originated from the service Web Onboarding.
documentscopyRequestDatestring (date-time)
Datetime the document went to documentscopy.
Example: "2022-09-08T22:11:05.816Z"
List of related transactions, usually coming from Web Onboarding that generates more than one transaction. This field will only be returned if the query parameter _includePfRelationships is set to true.
history*array of object
Timeline of the main transaction updates.
statusReasons*array of object
Compilation of reasons that define the current status of the transaction.
manualReprovalReasonsarray of object
Compiled manual fail reasons defined by CAF support.
Variables of Web Onboarding.
Some internal control fields + the fields sent in the metadata attribute of the transaction creation.
Submission of the necessary person or company data and the template model against which the verification services shall be executed, as well as the set of rules to be validated.