Register data
DENATRAN Vehicle Data + Traffic Violations
Consultation of general data of the license plate and possible traffic violations of the vehicle with Denatran.
Section: denatranVehicleViolations
Required parameters: plate
Plate formats: AAA9999 or AAA9A999
Attribute | Type | Description |
statusCode | String | Query status (details) |
data | Object | Return data |
data.message | String | Description of the query status |
data.vehicle | Object | Contains the vehicle information |
data.vehicle.hasVehicle | Boolean | If you have a vehicle for the given license plate (T/F) |
data.vehicle.manufactureYear | Number | Year of manufacture |
data.vehicle.modelYear | Number | Model Year |
data.vehicle.cmc | Number | CMC |
data.vehicle.cmt | Number | CMT |
data.vehicle.bodyworkTypeId | String | Body type code |
data.vehicle.bodyworkTypeDescription | String | Body type description |
data.vehicle.categoryId | String | Cetegory code |
data.vehicle.categoryDescription | String | Category Description |
data.vehicle.chassiSerial | String | Chassis serial number |
data.vehicle.engineCapacity | Number | Cylinders |
data.vehicle.fuelId | String | Fuel Code |
data.vehicle.fuelDescription | String | Fuel type description |
data.vehicle.colorId | String | Color code |
data.vehicle.colorDescription | String | Color Description |
data.vehicle.speciesId | String | Species code |
data.vehicle.speciesDescription | String | Species description |
data.vehicle.alarmIndication | Boolean | Alarm indicator |
data.vehicle.burglaryTheftIndicator | Boolean | Theft or robbery indicator |
data.vehicle.vehicleCapacity | Number | Location |
data.vehicle.modelBrandId | String | Make and model code |
data.vehicle.modelBrandDescription | String | Brand and Model Description |
data.vehicle.licensePlateMunicipalityId | String | Code for the municipality of registration |
data.vehicle.licensePlateMunicipalityDescription | String | Description of the municipality of registration |
data.vehicle.quantityAxles | Number | Number of axles |
data.vehicle.pbt | Number | PBT |
data.vehicle.plate | String | Plate |
data.vehicle.power | Number | Power |
data.vehicle.situation | String | Situation |
data.vehicle.vehicleTypeType | String | Vehicle type code |
data.vehicle.vehicleTypeDescription | String | Vehicle type description |
data.vehicle.stateJurisdiction | String | UF of jurisdiction |
data.vehicle.limitDate | String | Deadline |
data.vehicle.salesCommunicationIndicator | Boolean | Sales communication indicator |
data.vehicle.publicSaleIndicator | Boolean | Auction Indicator |
data.vehicle.trafficTicketRenainfIndicator | Boolean | Renainf fine indicator |
data.vehicle.pendingIssueIndicator | Boolean | Pending Issue Indicator |
data.vehicle.recallIndicator1 | Boolean | Recall indicator 1 |
data.vehicle.recallIndicator2 | Boolean | Recall indicator 2 |
data.vehicle.recallIndicator3 | Boolean | Recall indicator 3 |
data.vehicle.manufacturerRecallIndicator | Boolean | Manufacturer's recall indicator |
data.vehicle.restriction1Id | String | Restriction code 1 |
data.vehicle.restriction1Description | String | Description of Constraint 1 |
data.vehicle.restriction2Id | String | Restriction code 2 |
data.vehicle.restriction2Description | String | Description of Constraint 2 |
data.vehicle.restriction3Id | String | Restriction code 3 |
data.vehicle.restriction3Description | String | Description of Constraint 3 |
data.vehicle.restriction4Id | String | Restriction code 4 |
data.vehicle.restriction4Description | String | Description of Constraint 4 |
data.vehicle.restrictionIndicatorRenajud | Boolean | Renajud restriction indicator |
data.vehicle.rfbRestrictionId | String | RFB restriction code |
data.vehicle.rfbRestrictionDescription | String | RFB Restriction Description |
data.vehicle.origin | String | Origin |
data.vehicle.tenantTypeId | String | Tenant type code |
data.vehicle.tenantTypeDescription | String | Description of the tenant type |
data.vehicle.bodyworkNumber | String | Body number |
data.vehicle.chassisMarkupId | String | Chassis remarking code |
data.vehicle.chassisMarkupDescription | String | Description of chassis remarking |
data.vehicle.dischargeDate | String | Retirement Date |
data.vehicle.crvIssueDate | String | CRV issue date |
data.vehicle.lastUpdateDate | String | Date of last update |
data.vehicle.mreUpdateDate | String | MRE update date |
data.vehicle.importDistDate | String | Import Dist Date |
data.vehicle.rfbPartId | String | RFB agency code |
data.vehicle.rfbPartDescription | String | RFB agency description |
data.vehicle.auxiliaryAxeNumber | String | Auxiliary axis number |
data.vehicle.rearAxeNumber | String | Rear axle number |
data.vehicle.billOrigin | String | Nature of invoice |
data.vehicle.stateBilling | String | UF of invoice |
data.vehicle.importerOrigin | String | Nature of Importer |
data.vehicle.documentImporterDescription | String | Importer Description |
data.vehicle.transferCountryId | String | Transfer country code |
data.vehicle.transferCountryDescription | String | Description of the transfer country |
data.vehicle.ownerDocumentIndicatorId | String | Document type of the owner indicated |
data.vehicle.ownerDocumentIndicatorDescription | String | Description of the document of the specified owner |
data.vehicle.ownerTypeId | String | Owner type code |
data.vehicle.ownerTypeDescription | String | Owner type description |
data.violations | Array | List of traffic violations |
data.violations[x].violationId | String | Infraction Code |
data.violations[x].violationBreakdownId | String | Infraction Deployment Code |
data.violations[x].violationDescription | String | Infraction Description |
data.violations[x].renainfId | String | Renainf Code |
data.violations[x].violationRegistrationDate | String | Date of Infraction Registration |
data.violations[x].actuatorAgencyState | String | UF of the Authorizing Body |
data.violations[x].plate | String | Plate |
data.violations[x].renavamId | String | Renavam Code |
data.violations[x].modelBrandId | String | Vehicle make and model code |
data.violations[x].modelBrandDescription | String | Description of the vehicle make and model |
data.violations[x].vehicleTypeId | Number | Vehicle type code |
data.violations[x].vehicleTypeDescription | String | Vehicle type description |
data.violations[x].vehicleColorId | Number | Vehicle color code |
data.violations[x].vehicleColorDescription | String | Vehicle Color Description |
data.violations[x].vehicleKindId | Number | Vehicle type code |
data.violations[x].vehicleKindDescription | String | Description of the vehicle type |
data.violations[x].vehicleBodyworkId | Number | Vehicle body code |
data.violations[x].vehicleBodyworkDescription | String | Description of the vehicle body |
data.violations[x].vehicleCategoryId | Number | Vehicle category code |
data.violations[x].vehicleCategoryDescription | String | Vehicle category description |
data.violations[x].vehicleJurisdictionState | String | UF of the vehicle's jurisdiction |
data.violations[x].informedRegistrationState | String | State where the vehicle was registered |
data.violations[x].registrationCityId | Number | Code of the municipality where the vehicle is registered |
data.violations[x].registrationCityDescription | String | Description of the municipality where the vehicle is registered |
data.violations[x].vehicleCoutryId | Number | Vehicle country code |
data.violations[x].vehicleCoutryDescription | String | Country description of the vehicle |
data.violations[x].restrictionId1 | Number | Restriction code 1 |
data.violations[x].restrictionDescription1 | String | Description of Constraint 1 |
data.violations[x].restrictionId2 | Number | Restriction code 2 |
data.violations[x].restrictionDescription2 | String | Description of Constraint 2 |
data.violations[x].restrictionId3 | Number | Restriction code 3 |
data.violations[x].restrictionDescription3 | String | Description of Constraint 3 |
data.violations[x].restrictionId4 | Number | Restriction code 4 |
data.violations[x].restrictionDescription4 | String | Description of Constraint 4 |
data.violations[x].restrictionIndicatorRenajud | Boolean | Renajud restriction indicator |
data.violations[x].restrictionIndicatorRenavam | Boolean | Renavam restriction indicator |
data.violations[x].burglaryTheftIndicatorRenavam | Boolean | Theft or Renavam indicator |
data.violations[x].actuatorAgencyId | String | Code of the Notary Body |
data.violations[x].actuatorAgencyDescription | String | Description of the Notifying Body |
data.violations[x].autoInfractionNumber | String | Infraction notice number |
data.violations[x].autoSignatureId | Number | Infringement notice signature indicator |
data.violations[x].autoSignatureDescription | String | Description of signature on the infraction notice |
data.violations[x].driverCnhModelId | Number | Driver's CNH model code |
data.violations[x].driverCnhModelDescription | String | Description of the driver's CNH model |
data.violations[x].driverCnhRegistrationNumber | String | Driver's CNH registration number code |
data.violations[x].driverCnhExpeditionState | String | Description of the driver's CNH registration number |
data.violations[x].violationDate | String | Date of infraction |
data.violations[x].violationTime | String | Time of the infraction |
data.violations[x].violationOccurrencePlace | String | Place where the infraction occurred |
data.violations[x].violationCityId | String | City code of the infraction |
data.violations[x].violationCityDescription | String | Description of the city of infringement |
data.violations[x].autoTypeId | Number | Auto type code |
data.violations[x].autoTypeDescription | String | Description of the auto type |
data.violations[x].notLicensedDriverDocumentNumber | String | Document number of the unlicensed driver |
data.violations[x].notLicensedDriverDocumentTypeId | Number | Unlicensed driver document number code |
data.violations[x].notLicensedDriverDocumentTypeDescription | String | Description of the document number of the unlicensed driver |
data.violations[x].actualMeasurement | String | Actual Measurement |
data.violations[x].allowedLimit | String | Allowed Limit |
data.violations[x].measurementConsidered | String | Measurement Considered |
data.violations[x].measurementUnitId | Number | Unit of measure code |
data.violations[x].measurementUnitDescription | String | Description of the unit of measure |
data.violations[x].violationFullValue | String | Full value of the violation |
data.violations[x].vehicleOwnerOriginId | Number | Code of the origin of the possessor |
data.violations[x].vehicleOwnerOriginDescription | String | Description of the origin of the possessor |
data.violations[x].ownerDocumentTypeId | Number | Code of the document type of the possessor |
data.violations[x].ownerDocumentTypeDescription | String | Description of the possessor's document type |
data.violations[x].ownerIdentificationNumber | String | Owner identification number |
data.violations[x].ownerName | String | Owner's name |
data.violations[x].notificationNoticeIssueDate | String | Date of issuance of the notice of violation |
data.violations[x].defenseNoticeLimitDate | String | Deadline for defense of the infraction |
data.violations[x].notificationNoticeIndicator | Boolean | Notification of notice indicator |
data.violations[x].numberNotificationPenalty | String | Number of the penalty notice |
data.violations[x].penaltyNotificationIssueDate | String | Date of issuance of penalty notice |
data.violations[x].penaltyNotificationExpirationDate | String | Due date of penalty notice |
data.violations[x].penaltyType | Number | Penalty Type |
data.violations[x].penaltyDescription | String | Description of the penalty |
data.violations[x].violatorActualName | String | Name of the real offender |
data.violations[x].violatorActualCnhModelId | Number | Model code of the real offender's CNH |
data.violations[x].violatorActualCnhModelDescription | String | Description of the model of the real offender's CNH |
data.violations[x].violatorActualCnhRegistrationNumber | String | CNH registration number of the real offender |
data.violations[x].driverActualCnhExpeditionState | String | UF of issue of the real driver's CNH |
data.violations[x].scoreAnalysisStatusId | String | Score Analysis Status Indicator |
data.violations[x].scoreAnalysisStatusDescription | String | Score Analysis Status Description |
data.violations[x].scoredCnhModelId | Number | Model code of the scored CNH |
data.violations[x].scoredCnhModelDescription | String | Description of the model of the scored CNH |
data.violations[x].scoredCnhRegistrationNumber | String | Registration number of the scored CNH |
data.violations[x].scoredCnhExpeditionState | String | UF of expedition of the scored CNH |
data.violations[x].enforceabilityId | Number | Demandability Indicator |
data.violations[x].enforceabilityDescription | String | Description of the enforceability indicator |
data.violations[x].paymentState | String | Uf of payment |
data.violations[x].violationPaymentDate | String | Date of payment of the infraction |
data.violations[x].violationPaidValue | String | Paid amount of the infraction |
data.violations[x].paymentRegistrationDate | String | Record date of payment of the infraction |
data.violations[x].paymentsAmount | Number | Total payments |
data.violations[x].occurrenceTypeId | Number | Occurrence type code |
data.violations[x].occurrenceTypeDescription | String | Description of the type of occurrence |
data.violations[x].occurrenceOriginDescription | String | Description of the origin of the occurrence |
data.violations[x].proccessNumber | String | Case number |
Last updated