Messages Settings

    waitMessage: String?, 
    fitTheDocumentMessage: String?, 
    verifyingQualityMessage: String?, 
    lowQualityDocumentMessage: String?, 
    uploadingImageMessage: String?, 
    popupDocumentSubtitleMessage: String?, 
    unsupportedDocumentMessage: String?, 
    wrongDocumentMessage: String?, 
    sensorLuminosityMessage: String?, 
    sensorOrientationMessage: String?, 
    sensorStabilityMessage: String?, 
    predictorScanDocumentMessage: String?, 
    predictorGetCloserMessage: String?, 
    predictorCentralizeMessage: String?,
    predictorMoveAwayMessage: String?, 
    predictorAlignDocumentMessage: String?, 
    predictorTurnDocumentMessage: String?, 
    predictorCapturedMessage: String?
Default Value

waitMessage: String

Message displayed when the SDK is in the process of opening.

"Please Wait…"

fitTheDocumentMessage: String

Message advising to fit the document to the mask.

"Fit the document on the markup"

verifyingQualityMessage: String

Message displayed when the SDK makes a request to the backend, verifying quality.

"Checking Quality…"

lowQualityDocumentMessage: String

Message displayed when the quality of the capture fails.

"Ops, could not read the information. Please try again"

uploadingImageMessage: String

Message displayed when there is no quality check and the capture is being saved on the servers.

"Sending Image…"

popupDocumentSubtitleMessage: String

Text displayed in the step initialization popup.

"Dispose the document in a desk, centralize it on the markup and hold the automatic capture."

unsupportedDocumentMessage: String

Message displayed when an unexpected type of document is displayed for capture.

"Ops, it seems that this document is not supported. Contact us!"

wrongDocumentMessage: String

Message displayed when the document is displayed in a different stream than expected.

"Oops, this document is not the %@"

sensorLuminosityMessage: String

Message displayed when the brightness threshold is lower than expected.

"Area near you is too dark"

sensorOrientationMessage: String

Message displayed when the orientation threshold is lower than expected.

"The device is not on the horizontal"

sensorStabilityMessage: String

Message displayed when the device stability threshold is not met.

"Keep the device still"

predictorScanDocumentMessage: String

Message displayed to request a document to be present on the camera.

"Scan a document"

predictorGetCloserMessage: String

Message displayed to request to get closer to the document.

"Get closer to the document"

predictorCentralizeMessage: String

Message displayed to request to center the document.

"Center the document"

predictorMoveAwayMessage: String

Message displayed to request to move away from the document.

"Move away from the document"

predictorAlignDocumentMessage: String

Message displayed to request to align the document.

"Align the document"

predictorTurnDocumentMessage: String

Message displayed to request to turn the document 90 degrees.

"Turn the document 90 degrees"

predictorCapturedMessage: String

Message displayed to alert that the document was captured.

"Document captured"

Last updated

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