DocumentDetector v7.x and above






>=2.15.0 <4.0.0







iOS Target






Native SDKs dependencies

dependencies {
    // Basic
    implementation "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0"

    // Design
    implementation ""
    implementation "androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.1"

    // Document detection
    implementation "org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite:2.11.0"
    implementation "org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite-support:0.4.3"

    // SecurityProvider
    implementation ""

    // HTTP and deserializer
    implementation "com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.9.0"
    implementation "com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.9.0"
    implementation "com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.9.3"
    implementation "com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp-tls:4.9.3"

    implementation "androidx.exifinterface:exifinterface:1.0.0"

    // CameraX core library using the camera2 implementation
    // The following line is optional, as the core library is included indirectly by camera-camera2
    implementation ""
    implementation ""
    // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Lifecycle library
    implementation ""
    // If you want to additionally use the CameraX View class
    implementation ""

    // Root Checks
    implementation "com.scottyab:rootbeer-lib:0.0.8"

    // Commons Imaging (for Images, EXIF data and so on. previously known as Apache Commons Sanselan)
    implementation "org.apache.commons:commons-imaging:1.0-alpha3"

    // Kotlin
    implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.7.0"
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.5.31"

Runtime permissions

These are the Android's runtime permissions:



To capture photos of the documents

Only required in camera capture stream


To access the device external storage and select documents in the upload flow. This permission is only required for versions lower than API33

Only required in the upload stream

Platform Configurations

If your version of Gradle is earlier than 7, add these lines to your build.gradle.

allprojects {
  repositories {
  maven { url '' }
  maven { url '' }


If your version of Gradle is 7 or newer, add these lines to your settings.gradle.

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
        maven { url '' }

Add support for Java 8 (skip this code if Java 8 is enabled), and TensorFlow Model to your build.gradle file.

android {


    aaptOptions {
        noCompress "tflite"

    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

The compileOptions setting is required for SDK's built-in lambda functions, which were released in Java 8. The noCompress setting tells the compiler not to compress files with the .tflite extension used in the DocumentDetector.

To customize the primary color of the SDK, you need to ensure that the Material Design library is imported in your app. Add the following dependency to your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation ''

Supported Documents

Currently, supported documents are:

enum DocumentType {
    rgFront, // front of RG (where the photo is located)
    rgBack, // back of RG
    rgFull, // RG opened (showing front and back together)
    cnhFront, // front of CNH (where the photo is located)
    cnhBack, // back of CNH 
    cnhFull, // CNH opened (showing front and back together)
    crlv, // CRLV
    rneFront, // front of RNE or RNM
    rneBack, // back of RNE or RNM
    passport, // passport (showing the photo and data)
    ctpsFront, // front of CTPS (where the photo is located)
    ctpsBack, // back of CTPS
    any; // allows you to send any type of document, all those mentioned above, including any other document

Instantiating the SDK

To create a DocumentDetector instance, two required parameters must be provided:



Usage token associated with your CAF account


Defines the document capture flow. Create a List<DocumentCaptureFlow> to configure each capture step.


Each DocumentCaptureFlow element from the list will be a capture step.

The DocumentCaptureFlow class have the following configurations:

DocumentType documentType

Identifies which document will be requested for capture in the respective step. You can choose from the Supported Documents list.

InstructionalPopupSettingsAndroid? androidCustomization

Customize the instructional popup document illustration and label for Android devices.


String? documentLabel

Change the document label displayed in the popup. To customize this, you just have to provide a String element.

String? documentIllustration

Change the document illustration displayed in the popup. To customize this, you must provide the name of the file with the custom illustration you created in the res/drawable folder of your Android app.

InstructionalPopupSettingsIOS? iOSCustomization

Customize the instructional popup document illustration and label for iOS devices.


String? documentLabel

Change the document label displayed in the popup. To customize this, you just need to provide a String element.

String? documentIllustration

Change the document illustration displayed in the popup. To customize this, you must provide the name of the Image Set with the custom illustration you created in the Asset Catalog of you iOS app.

Implementation Example

This is an example of how to instantiate the SDK and capture its results:

List<DocumentCaptureFlow> cnhFlow = [
    DocumentCaptureFlow(documentType: DocumentType.cnhFront),
    DocumentCaptureFlow(documentType: DocumentType.cnhBack)

DocumentDetector documentDetector =
    DocumentDetector(mobileToken: mobileToken, captureFlow: cnhFlow);
// Your SDK customization options

try {
  DocumentDetectorEvent event = await documentDetector.start();

  if (event is DocumentDetectorEventSuccess) {
// The SDK completed successfully, and the document pictures were captured.
    resultEvent = "SUCCESS";
    resultDescription = "Document Type: ${event.documentType}\n\n";
// Use `event.captures` to get the details of each document captured
    for (Capture capture in event.captures!) {
      resultDescription += "#NEW CAPTURE\n";
      resultDescription += capture.label != null
          ? "Document Label: ${capture.label!}\n"
          : "empty\n";
      resultDescription += capture.quality != null
          ? "Image Quality: ${capture.quality}\n"
          : "empty\n";
      resultDescription += capture.imagePath != null
          ? "File path on device: ${capture.imagePath!}\n"
          : "empty\n";
      resultDescription += capture.imageUrl != null
          ? "File URL: ${capture.imageUrl!.split("?")[0]}\n"
          : "empty\n";
  } else if (event is DocumentDetectorEventFailure) {
// The SDK did not complete successfully, and a failure occurred during the process.
    resultEvent = "FAILURE";
    resultDescription = event.securityErrorCode != null
        ? "Security code: ${event.securityErrorCode}\n"
        : "none\n";
    resultDescription += event.errorMessage != null
        ? "Failure Description: ${event.errorMessage}\n"
        : "empty\n";
  } else if (event is DocumentDetectorEventClosed) {
// The SDK was closed, the user closed the document capture process.
    resultEvent = "CLOSED";
    resultDescription = "User closed document capture flow";
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
// If an internal error occurs during the native bridge mapping, you can catch the exception this way.
  resultEvent = "Error";
  resultDescription = "Error starting DocumentDetector: ${e.message}";

DocumentDetector options

setStage(CafStage stage)

Used to redirect the SDK to the desired environment in caf api.



Default configuration

setUseAnalytics(bool useAnalytics)

Enables/disables data gathering for analytics purposes - logs in cases of bugs and errors or fraud profile identification.

Default configuration


setPersonId(String personId)

Set users identifier for fraud profile identification purposes and to assist in the identification of Analytics logs in cases of bugs and errors.

setNetworkSettings(int requestTimeoutInSeconds)

Defines requests timeout. This value is represented in seconds.

Default configuration

By default the timeout is 60s.

setUrlExpirationTime(String urlExpirationTime)

Sets the time the image URL will last on the server until it is expired. Expect to receive a time interval between 30m to 30d.

urlExpirationTime example

  • 30m: To set minutes only

  • 24h: To set only hour(s)

  • 1h 10m: To set hour(s) and minute(s)

  • 10d: To set day(s)

Default configuration

By default it is set to 3h.

setDisplayPopup(bool displayPopup)

Enable/Disable the inflated popup with instructions before each document capture step.

Default configuration


setCurrentStepDoneDelayAndroid(bool enableDelay, int millisecondsDelay)

Delay the activity after the completion of each capture step. This value is represented in milliseconds.

Default configuration

By default there is no delay.

setCurrentStepDoneDelayIOS(int secondsDelay)

Delay the view after the completion of each capture step. This value is represented in seconds.

Default configuration

By default there is no delay.

setPreviewSettings(PreviewSettings previewSettings)

Enables/disables the document picture preview for the user, so they can check if it's all ok before send it.

Create a PreviewSettings element with the desired settings.

Default configuration

By default the preview is disabled.

PreviewSettings options

bool show

Enable/Disable the document capture preview feature.

String? title

Customimze the view title.

String? subtitle

Customize the view subtitle.

String? confirmButtonLabel

Customize the confirmation button text. This button allows the user to confirm and send the document capture.

String? retryButtonLabel

Customize the retry button text. This button allows the user to take another capture.

setMessageSettings(MessageSettings messageSettings)

Configure customized messages that are displayed during the capture and analysis process.

MessageSettings options

String? waitMessage

Message displayed in the opening process.

Default: "Please Wait…"

String? fitTheDocumentMessage

Message advising to fit the document to the markup.

Default: "Fit the document on the markup"


Message displayed when it is verifying the capture quality.

Default: "Checking Quality…"

String? lowQualityDocumentMessage

Message displayed when the capture quality is low.

Default: "Ops, could not read the information. Please try again."

String? uploadingImageMessage

Message displayed when the capture is being uploaded on the servers.

Default: "Sending Image…"

String? sensorOrientationMessage

Message displayed when the device orientation is wrong.

Default: "Point the camera down"

String? sensorLuminosityMessage

Message displayed when the ambient brightness is lower than expected.

Default: "Area near you is too dark"

String? sensorStabilityMessage

Message displayed when the device stability parameter indicates excessive swaying.

Default: "Keep the device still"

String? popupDocumentSubtitleMessage

Message displayed in the instructional popup, providing guidelines on how to achieve the best document capture.

Default: "Dispose the document in a desk, centralize it on the markup and hold the automatic capture."

String? scanDocumentMessage

Message displayed to request a document to be present on the camera.

Default: "Scan a document"

String? getCloserMessage

Message displayed to prompt the user to bring the camera closer to the document.

Default: "Get closer to the document"

String? centralizeDocumentMessage

Message displayed to prompt the user to center the document within the camera frame.

Default: "Center the document"

String? moveAwayMessage

Message displayed to prompt the user to move the camera farther away from the document.

Default: "Move away from the document"

String? alignDocumentMessage

Message displayed to prompt the user to align the document within the camera frame.

Default: "Align the document"

String? turnDocumentMessage

Message displayed to prompt the user to rotate the document 90 degrees.

Default: "Turn the document 90 degrees"

String? documentCapturedMessage

Message displayed to notify that the document has been successfully captured.

Default: "Document captured"

String? holdItMessage

Only for Android Message displayed at the moment the capture is being performed.

Default: "Keep it that way"

String? popupConfirmButtonMessage

Only for Android Customize the confirmation button text in the instructional popup.

Default: "OK, understood"

String? wrongDocumentTypeMessage

Only for Android Message displayed when the document shown by the user is not the expected one for capture.

Default: "Ops, this document is not ${document label expected}"

String? unsupportedDocumentMessage

Only for Android Message displayed to inform the user that the document being shown is not supported.

Default: "Ops, it seems that this document is not supported."

String? documentNotFoundMessage

Only for Android Message displayed to notify that no document was detected.

Default: "Didn't found a document."

setUploadSettings(UploadSettings uploadSettings)

Sets the configuration for document upload flow. By enabling this option, the user will be prompted to upload the document file instead of capturing them with the device's camera. This option also includes quality checks.

Create a UploadSettings element with the desired settings.

Default configuration

By default this feature is deactivated.

UploadSettings options

bool? compress

Enables/disables file compression before uploading.If enabled, it follows the Android and iOS definitions for compression quality:

AndroidSettings(int? compressQuality)

IOSSettings(double? captureCompressionQuality)

List<FileFormatAndroid>? fileFormatsAndroid

Defines the file format that will be accepted for upload. The options are:

.pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .heif.

List<FileFormatIOS>? fileFormatsIOS

Defines the file format that will be accepted for upload. The options are:

.pdf, .jpeg, .png.

int? maxFileSize

Specifies the maximum file size for upload, in kilobytes (kB).

1000kB = 1MB.

The default value is 10MB.

setCountryCodeList(List<CountryCodesList>? countryCodeList)

Restrict the acceptance of passport documents to those issued only by a specific country or a predefined list of countries.

Create a List<CountryCodesList> with the desired country codes.

countryCodeList example

List<CountryCodesList> countryCodeList = [
setAndroidSettings(AndroidSettings androidSettings)

Set Android platform exclusive settings.

Create an AndroidSettings element with the desired settings.

AndroidSettings androidSettings = AndroidSettings(
    captureStages: customStages,
    cameraResolution: AndroidCameraResolution.fullHd,
    compressQuality: 90,
    customStyle: "custom_style_res_name",
    feedbackColors: customFeedbackColors,
    sensorSettings: customSensorSettings,
    securitySettings: customSecuritySettings);

List<CaptureStage> customStages = [
        captureMode: CaptureMode.automatic,
        wantSensorCheck: true,
        durationMillis: 5000),
        captureMode: CaptureMode.manual,
        wantSensorCheck: true,
        durationMillis: null),

SensorSettingsAndroid customSensorSettings = SensorSettingsAndroid(
    luminositySensorSettings: 5,
    orientationSensorSettings: 3.0,
    stabilitySensorSettings: StabilitySensorSettings(
        stabilityThreshold: 0.5, stabilityDurationMillis: 2000));

SecuritySettings customSecuritySettings = SecuritySettings(
    enableGoogleServices: true,
    useAdb: false,
    useDebug: false,
    useDeveloperMode: false,
    useEmulator: false,
    useRoot: false);

FeedbackColorsAndroid customFeedbackColors = FeedbackColorsAndroid(
    defaultFeedback: "custom_default_color_res_name",
    successFeedback: "custom_success_color_res_name",
    errorFeedback: "custom_error_color_res_name");

AndroidSettings options

SensorSettingsAndroid? sensorSettings

Configure the ambient luminosity, device orientation, and stability sensor parameters to ensure the document is captured in optimal conditions.

SensorSettingsAndroid customSensorSettings = SensorSettingsAndroid(
    luminositySensorSettings: 5,
    orientationSensorSettings: 3.0,
    stabilitySensorSettings: StabilitySensorSettings(
        stabilityThreshold: 0.5, stabilityDurationMillis: 2000),
    disableLuminositySensor: false,
    disableOrientationSensor: false,
    disableStabilitySensor: false);

int? luminositySensorSettings

Defines threshold between acceptable/unacceptable ambient brightness.

The lower the value set, the less sensitive the orientation sensor will be.

Set disableLuminositySensor: true if you don't want to use this sensor.

Default configuration

The default settings are 5 lx.

double? orientationSensorSettings

Defines threshold between correct/incorrect device orientation.

The higher the value set, the less sensitive the orientation sensor will be.

Set disableOrientationSensor: true if you don't want to use this sensor.

Default configuration

The default setting is 3.0 m/s²

StabilitySensorSettings? stabilitySensorSettings

Defines stability sensor settings.

double stabilityThreshold

Defines the threshold between stable/unstable, in m/s² variation between the last two sensor collections. The higher the value set, the less sensitive the stability sensor will be.

int stabilityDurationMillis

Specifies the duration, in milliseconds, that the device must remain still to be considered stable.

Set disableStabilitySensor: true if you don't want to use this sensor.

Default configuration

The default setting is stabilityDurationMillis: 2000 and stabilityThreshold: 0.5

List<CaptureStage>? captureStages

CaptureStage is a feature that determines the level of document capture requirements. As soon as the document capture flow starts, a timer is activated. During the defined time, the configurations specified in each of the configured stages are applied. It is possible to define a list of CaptureStages to gradually ease the document capture requirements over time. This feature exists due to the diversity of camera hardware in Android devices, preventing the user from getting stuck in the document capture flow during their onboarding.

captureStages example

List<CaptureStage> customStages = [
        captureMode: CaptureMode.automatic,
        wantSensorCheck: true,
        durationMillis: 5000),
        captureMode: CaptureMode.manual,
        wantSensorCheck: true,
        durationMillis: null),

Default configuration

The default configuration consists of the following order of CaptureStages:

  • CaptureStage 1: captureMode: CaptureMode.automatic, wantSensorCheck: true, durationMillis: 30000;

  • CaptureStage 2: captureMode: CaptureMode.automatic, wantSensorCheck: false, durationMillis: 15000;

  • CaptureStage 3: captureMode: CaptureMode.manual, wantSensorCheck: false, durationMillis: null;

int? compressQuality

Set the quality in the compression process. By default, all captures go through compression.

The value must be between 80 and 100, where 100 is the highest compression quality.

Default configuration

The default compress quality is 90.

AndroidCameraResolution? cameraResolution

Set document capture resolution.

The options are fullHd, quadHd and ultraHd.

Default configuration

By default resolution is fullHd.

SecuritySettings? securitySettings

We are constantly taking actions to make the product more and more secure, mitigating a number of attacks observed in the capture process and, consequently, reducing as many possible identity frauds as possible. The SDK has some blocks that may prevent its execution in certain contexts. You can disable these validations for test purposes.

Disabling security validations is recommended for testing purposes only. For publishing your application in production, we recommend using the default settings.

To configure the security validations, you can use this options:

bool? enableGoogleServices

Allows you to enable or disable SDK features that utilize Google Services.

bool? useRoot

Allows you to enable or disable SDK to run in rooted devices.

bool? useEmulator

Allows you to enable or disable SDK to run in emulated devices.

bool? useDeveloperMode

Allows you to enable or disable SDK to run in devices with developer mode activated.

bool? useAdb

Allows you to enable or disable SDK to run in Android Debug Bridge (ADB) debugging mode.

bool? useDebug

Allows you to enable or disable SDK to run in a debug mode application.

Default configuration

SecuritySettings securitySettings = SecuritySettings(
    enableGoogleServices: true,
    useAdb: false,
    useDebug: false,
    useDeveloperMode: false,
    useEmulator: false,
    useRoot: false);

String? customStyle

Define your custom app style to change the primary color of the SDK.

To customize, create a style.xml resource file in your app and add this style fragment to it, replacing the values inside the placeholders:

  <style name={style_name} parent={parent_name}>
    <item name="colorPrimary">{custom_color_hex}</item>

FeedbackColorsAndroid? feedbackColors

Customize the UI feedback colors to be displayed.

To customize the UI feedback colors in your app, follow these steps:

  • Create a colors.xml resource file in your app's res/values directory.

  • Define the colors for the different types of feedback: default, success, and error.

Here is an improved version of the colors.xml file with placeholders for the color hex values:

 <color name="feedback_default">{default_color}</color>
 <color name="feedback_success">{success_color}</color>
 <color name="feedback_error">{error_color}</color>
setIOSSettings(IOSSettings iosSettings)

Set iOS platform exclusive settings.

Create an IOSSettings element with the desired settings.

IOSSettings iosSettings = IOSSettings(
    cameraResolution: IOSCameraResolution.fullHd,
    captureCompressionQuality: 0.90,
    sensorSettings: customSensorSettings,
    enableMultiLanguage: true,
    enableManualCapture: false,
    manualCaptureActivationDelay: 45,
    customLayout: customLayout);

SensorSettingsIOS customSensorSettings = SensorSettingsIOS(
    luminositySensorSettings: -3,
    orientationSensorSettings: 0.3,
    stabilitySensorSettings: 0.3);

CustomLayoutIOS customLayout = CustomLayoutIOS(
    feedbackColors: FeedbackColorsIOS(
        defaultFeedback: "#000000",
        successFeedback: "#e21b45",
        errorFeedback: "#0baa43"),
    primaryColor: "#34D690");

SensorSettingsIOS? sensorSettings

Configure the ambient luminosity, device orientation, and stability sensor threshold parameters to ensure the document is captured in optimal conditions.

SensorSettingsIOS customSensorSettings = SensorSettingsIOS(
    luminositySensorSettings: -3,
    orientationSensorSettings: 0.3,
    stabilitySensorSettings: 0.3);

double? luminositySensorSettings

Defines threshold between acceptable/unacceptable ambient brightness.

The lower the value set, the less sensitive the orientation sensor will be.

Default configuration

The default settings is -3.

double? orientationSensorSettings

Defines the threshold between correct/incorrect device orientation based on the variation of the last two accelerometer sensor readings collected from the device.

The higher the value set, the less sensitive the orientation sensor will be.

Default configuration

The default setting is 0.3.

double? stabilitySensorSettings

Defines the threshold between stable/unstable device based on the variation of the last two gyro sensor readings collected from the device.

The higher the value set, the less sensitive the stability sensor will be.

Default configuration

The default setting is 0.3.

double? captureCompressionQuality

Set the quality in the compression process. By default, all captures go through compression. The method expects values between 0.8 and 1.0 as a parameter, where 1.0 is the best compression quality.

Default configuration

The default compression quality is 0.9.

bool? enableManualCapture

Enable the manual capture option. With this configuration enabled, you can specify the time - in seconds - until manual capture is activated using the manualCaptureActivationDelay parameter.

Default configuration

By default the manual capture is set to false.

For devices below iOS 13 this feature is always true, there is no automatic capture.

int? manualCaptureActivationDelay

Set the time delay to enable manual capture option for the user.

To enable the manual capture feature, use enableManualCapture: true parameter.

Default configuration

By default the timer is set to 45 seconds.

bool? enableMultiLanguage

This configuration enables or disables multi-language support (English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese). If disabled, the language will default to Brazilian Portuguese.

Default configuration


IOSCameraResolution? cameraResolution

Set document capture resolution.

The options are fullHd and ultraHd.

Default configuration

By default resolution is fullHd.

CustomLayoutIOS? customLayout

Customize you iOS app layout settings.

Within this options you can change the buttons color, UI feedbacks color and app font.

CustomLayoutIOS customLayout = CustomLayoutIOS(
    feedbackColors: FeedbackColorsIOS(
        defaultFeedback: "#000000",
        successFeedback: "#e21b45",
        errorFeedback: "#0baa43"),
    primaryColor: "#34D690");

DocumentDetectorEvent Results

DocumentDetectorEvent is an abstract class representing different types of events.

It is used to create an instance of one of the event subclasses based on a map input, which comes from the SDK's result.

Depending on the event type, it creates an instance of either DocumentDetectorEventClosed, DocumentDetectorEventSuccess, or DocumentDetectorEventFailure. If the event is not recognized, it throws an internal exception.

This setup allows for a structured and type-safe way to handle different outcomes of the document capture process in the SDK.

try {
  DocumentDetectorEvent event = await documentDetector.start();

  if (event is DocumentDetectorEventSuccess) {
// The SDK completed successfully, and the document pictures were captured.
    for (Capture capture in event.captures!) {
// Use `event.captures` to get the details of each document captured         
  } else if (event is DocumentDetectorEventFailure) {
// The SDK did not complete successfully, and a failure occurred during the process.
  } else if (event is DocumentDetectorEventClosed) {
// The SDK was closed, the user closed the document capture process.
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
// If an internal error occurs during the native bridge mapping, you can catch the exception this way.


This class represents an event where the document capture was closed by the user, either by pressing the close button at the top right, or sending the app to the background.


This class represents a successful document capture event. The user document has been successfully captured, and the URLs for download the captures have been returned. It includes:

List<Capture>? captures

A list of Capture objects representing the captured documents. Capture includes:

String? imagePath

Full path of the image file on the user's device.

String? imageUrl

URL of the document file on the Caf's server. This URL has an expiry time, which can be set with the setUrlExpirationTime method.

String? label

Label of the captured document, for example: cnh_front, rg_back, passport...

double? quality

Quality inferred by the document quality algorithm, varying between 0 and 5.

String? documentType

The type of the document captured

String? trackingId

An ID for tracking the capture execution.


This class represents a failure in the document capture process. The user document hasn't been successfully captured, the errorType and errorMessage parameter contains the failure reason. It includes:

String? errorType

Information on the type of error returned by the SDK. Below are the types of errors and their causes:



The SDK is not yet available for use. The errorMessage parameter will bring more instructions.

The device's internal storage is full when installing the app, and the face detection template cannot be installed together.


The token entered is not valid for the corresponding product.

If you are using an expired or non-existent token.


When an SDK internal library cannot be started.


Internet connection failure.

User was without internet during the SDK execution.


You are missing some mandatory permission to run the SDK.

Start SDK without camera permission granted.


When the SDK cannot be started due to a security reason.


When an SDK request receives a status code of failure.

If an internal API is unstable.


There is no space on the user device's internal storage.

When there is no space on the internal storage while capturing the document photo.

String? errorMessage

A message describing the error.

int? securityErrorCode

An error code specific to Android, indicating the type of security validation failure:

  • 100 - blocking emulated devices;

  • 200 - blocking rooted devices;

  • 300 - blocking devices with developer options enabled;

  • 400 - blocking devices with ADB enabled;

  • 500 - blocking devices with debugging enabled;

Last updated

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