FaceAuthenticator (Deprecated)

Importing SDK

To use FaceAuthenticator, you can either remotely import the .js file or download it locally.


Include the .js file directly from the CDN:

<script src="https://repo.combateafraude.com/javascript/release/face-authenticator-deprecated/<VERSION>.umd.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

You can retrieve the class from the SDK using the following code:

const { FaceAuthenticatorSdk } = window['@combateafraude/face-authenticator'];


Download the .js file and import it as an ES6 module:

import { FaceAuthenticatorSdk } from '../assets/js/face-authenticator-<VERSION>.js'


In the builder, the SDK receives a single parameter with the settings:

const sdk = new DocumentDetectorSdk(options);

Supported parameters

* Advanced capture consists of using more complex and not-so-stable APIs in browsers that support them (e.g. ImageCapture)


const sdk = new DocumentDetectorSdk({
    token: `my-sdk-token`,
    language: `pt_BR`,

    analyticsSettings: {
      disableAnalytics: false,
      trackingId: "",
      trackingInfo: "",

    environmentSettings: {
        disableDesktopExecution: false,

    appearenceSettings: {
        hideCaptureTitle: false,
        hideCaptureMask: false,
        hideCameraSwitchButton: false,
        useGenericMask: false,

    capturerSettings: {
        disableAdvancedCapturing: false,

    textSettings: {
        messages: {
            processMessage: '',
            wrongDocumentMessage: '',
            bothWrongSideMessage: '',
            wrongSideMessage: '',
            lowQualityMessage: '',
            captureFailedMessage: '',


CaptureStage allows the client to configure the stages. To do this, we offer the CaptureStage object, where you can set the following parameters:

Example CaptureStage

const stages = [
  { mode: "automatic", attempts: 3, duration: 60 },
  { mode: "manual", attempts: 3, duration: 60 },
  { mode: "upload", attempts: 0, duration: 0 },


initialize(): Promise<void>

The SDK has a separate method of initialization, to allow greater control over when it occurs.

During this initialization, the SDK will initialize its internal variables and download the resources it needs to run.

[!] You must call this method before using other SDK methods.

[!] The initialization of the SDK can take a few seconds. We recommend that you call this function as early as possible in your flow so that opening the SDK is smooth for the user.


await sdk.initialize();


Opening and taking selfies

capture(container: HTMLElement, stages, {personData?: PersonData, totalAttempts?: Number}): Promise<Result>

Method used to load the SDK onto the screen and perform selfie capture.

It will initialize the video stream (requesting permissions if needed) and load it into the container.


¹ If not specified, automatic capture is used.

² If not specified, a default value of 30 seconds is used.


// div or another element on DOM
const sdkContainer = document.getElementById('sdk-displayer');
const personData = { cpf: 'user-cpf', name: 'user-name' };
await sdk.capture(sdkContainer, stages, {personData, totalAttempts});


The return consists of an object with the following fields:

Close SDK

close(): Promise<void>

The method used to remove the SDK on the screen.

De-initialize the SDK

dispose(): Promise<void>

The method used to remove the SDK on the screen.

Will de-initialize the video stream and clear the SDK's internal variables

Complete Example


Last updated


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