FaceAuthenticator (Deprecated)

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When using our plugin, please make sure that you agree with our Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions of Use.


Minimum configuration






Minimum Android API


Compile SDK Version




If you use Dart in a version below 2.12, check the compatible version here.



In the file ** ROOT_PROJECT/android/app/build.gradle**, add:

android {


dataBinding.enabled = true
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
//To perform layout customization from the SDK import the following libraries
dependencies {
    implementation "androidx.camera:camera-view:1.2.0-alpha02"
    implementation 'com.combateafraude.sdk:face-authenticator:5.8.13'
    //native Android SDK that the plugin implements

//design libraries that you will use in your layout (these are used in our example template for customization)
    implementation 'com.google.android.material:material:1.2.1'
    implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.2'


In the ROOT_PROJECT/ios/Podfile, add to the end of the file:

source 'https://github.com/combateafraude/iOS.git'
source 'https://cdn.cocoapods.org/' # or 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs' if the CDN is down

Finally, add the camera permission to the file ROOT_PROJECT/ios/Runner/Info.plist:

<string>To capture the selfie</string>


Add the plugin to your ROOT_PROJECT/pubspec.yaml file:

            url: https://github.com/combateafraude/Flutter.git
                ref: face-authenticator-v3.9.0


FaceAuthenticator faceAuthenticator = new FaceAuthenticator(mobileToken: mobileToken);
faceAuthenticator.setPeopleId("The user CPF");

// Other customization parameters

FaceAuthenticatorResult faceAuthenticatorResult = await faceAuthenticator.start();

if (faceAuthenticatorResult is FaceAuthenticatorSuccess) {
    // The SDK was successfully closed and we got an authentication result, which can be true or false
} else if (faceAuthenticatorResult is FaceAuthenticatorFailure) {
    // The SDK was closed due to some failure and we could not get an authentication result
} else {
    // The user simply closed the SDK, with no result

Disabling Security Validations for Testing

We are constantly taking actions to make the product more and more secure, mitigating a number of attacks observed in the capture process and, consequently, reducing as many possible identity frauds as possible. The SDK has some blocks that may prevent its execution in certain contexts. To disable them, you can use the methods as shown in the example below:

FaceAuthenticatorAndroidSettings androidSettings =
          emulatorSettings: true,
          rootSettings: true,
          useDeveloperMode: true,
          useAdb: true,
          useDebug: true,


Attention! Disabling security validations is recommended for test environments only. For publishing your application in production, we recommend using the default settings.

General customizations


.setPeopleId(String peopleId)

CPF of the user that will authenticate

.setAudioSettings(bool enable, String audioResIdName)

Enables/disables sounds. Allows you to customize the audio used by the SDK. If you want to change the SDK's audio, add the audio file in ROOT_PROJECT/android/app/src/main/res/raw/ with the desired name below and parameterize it

.setAnalyticsSettings(bool useAnalytics)

Enables/disables data collection for maximizing anti-fraud information. Default is true

.setNetworkSettings(int requestTimeout)

Change the default network settings. Default is 60 seconds

.setAndroidSettings(FaceAuthenticatorAndroidSettings androidSettings)

Customizations only applied on Android

.setIosSettings(FaceAuthenticatorIosSettings iosSettings)

Customizations only applied on iOS

.setEyesClosedSettings(bool enable, double threshold)

Lets you customize the eyes-open validation in the SDK


.setStage(String stage)

Allows you to choose the environment in wich the SDK will run (production or beta). The expected String values are: "PROD" and "BETA". This setting is not mandatory, by default the SDK will use the production environment.

Each environment (beta and production) requires its own specific mobileToken, generated in the Trust platform of the respective environment.



FaceAuthenticatorAndroidSettings constructor

FaceAuthenticatorCustomizationAndroid customization

Activity's Android layout customization

CaptureSettings captureSettings

Stabilization time settings for capturing the selfie

SensorSettingsAndroid sensorSettings

Customization of the capture sensor settings

bool enableEmulator

Enables the use of an emulator when true

bool enableRootDevices

Enables the use of root devices when true

bool enableSwitchCameraButton

Allows you to enable or disable the camera flip button. Default is True

bool enableBrightnessIncrease

Enables/disables device brightness increment on opening the SDK

bool useDebug

Enables/disables the use of the app in debug mode. Default is false

FaceAuthenticatorCustomizationAndroid constructor

String styleResIdName

Name of the style resource that defines the colors of the SDK. For example, if you want to change the SDK colors, create a style in ROOT_PROJECT/android/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml with the name R.style.my_custom_style following the template and parameterize "my_custom_style".

String layoutResIdName

Name of the layout resource that will replace the default SDK layout. For example, if you want to change the SDK layout, create a layout in ROOT_PROJECT/android/app/src/main/res/layout/my_custom_layout.xml following the template and parameterize "my_custom_layout". Check the import libraries mentioned here

String greenMaskResIdName

Name of the drawable resource to replace the default green mask. If you are going to use this parameter, use a mask with the same cutting area, it is important for the detection algorithm. For example, save the mask image in ROOT_PROJECT/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/my_custom_green_mask.png and parameterize "my_custom_green_mask".

String redMaskResIdName

Name of the drawable resource to replace the default red mask. If you are going to use this parameter, use a mask with the same cutting area, it is important for the detection algorithm. For example, save the mask image in ROOT_PROJECT/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/my_custom_red_mask.png and parameterize "my_custom_red_mask".

String whiteMaskResIdName

Name of the drawable resource to replace the default white mask. If you are going to use this parameter, use a mask with the same cutting area, it is important for the detection algorithm. For example, save the mask image in ROOT_PROJECT/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/my_custom_white_mask.png and parameterize "my_custom_white_mask".

SensorSettingsAndroid constructor

SensorStabilitySettingsAndroid sensorStabilitySettings

Orientation sensor settings to be applied in all SDK steps

SensorStabilitySettingsAndroid constructor

String messageResourceIdName

Name of the string resource to be shown when the phone is not stable. The default message is "Keep cell phone still". For example, if you want to show the String "Test", create a String in ROOT_PROJECT/android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml with the name R.string.my_custom_stability_string and value "Test" and parametrize "my_custom_stability_string".

int stabilityStabledMillis

How many milliseconds the mobile must stay at the correct threshold to be considered stable. The default is 2000 ms

double stabilityThreshold

Lower threshold between stable/unstable, in m/sĀ² variation between the last two sensor collections. The default is 0.5 m/sĀ².


FaceAuthenticatorIosSettings constructor

FaceAuthenticatorCustomizationIos customization

CustomizaĆ§Ć£o visual do SDK

int beforePictureMillis

Duration in milliseconds between the first detection of the face and the actual capture of the picture

SensorStabilitySettingsIos sensorStability

Stability sensor settings to be applied in the SDK

FaceAuthenticatorCustomizationIos constructor

String colorHex

The SDK's theme color. For example, if you want to use the color black, use "#000000".

String greenMaskImageName

Name of the image to replace the default green mask. Remember to add the image in Assets Catalog Document in your XCode project

String whiteMaskImageName

Name of the image to replace the default white mask. Remember to add the image in Assets Catalog Document in your XCode project

String redMaskImageName

Name of the image to replace the default red mask. Remember to add the image in Assets Catalog Document in your XCode project

String closeImageName

Name of the image to replace the SDK's close button. Remember to add the image in Assets Catalog Document in your XCode project

bool showStepLabel

Flag indicating whether to show the label of the current step

bool showStatusLabel

Flag indicating whether to show the current status label

SensorStabilitySettingsAndroid constructor

String message

String to be shown when the cell phone is not stable

double stabilityThreshold

Lower threshold between stable/unstable, in m/sĀ² variation between the last two sensor collections. The default is 0.3 m/sĀ².

Collecting the result

The FaceAuthenticator return object is of abstract type FaceAuthenticatorResult. It can be an instance of FaceAuthenticatorSuccess, FaceAuthenticatorFailure, or FaceAuthenticatorClosed.



bool authenticated

Flag indicating whether the user has passed face authentication

String signedResponse

Signed response from the CAF server that confirmed the face authentication. Use this parameter if you want an extra layer of security by checking that the signature of the response is not broken, caused by an interception of the request. If it is broken, there is a strong indication of request interception

String trackingId

Identifier of this run on our servers. If possible, save this field and send it along to our API. This way we will have more data about how the user behaved during the execution

Will be null if the user sets useAnalytics = false or the analytics calls do not work



String message

Friendly message explaining why the SDK failed

String type

Type of fault that shut down the SDK

The existing fault types are:

  • InvalidTokenReason: when the token entered is invalid. It should not occur in a production environment;

  • PermissionReason: when some mandatory permission was not granted by the user. It will only occur in a production environment if your app does not ask the user or the user manually disables it before starting;

  • NetworkReason: server connection failure. It will occur in production if the user's device is not connected to the Internet;

  • ServerReason: failure in some request to our servers;

  • SecurityReason: when the device is not safe to run the SDK;

  • StorageReason: when the device does not have enough space to capture a photo. This can happen in production;

  • LibraryReason: when some internal failure made it impossible to run the SDK. It may occur due to project configuration errors, and should not occur in production.

Last updated


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