Getting started
Account creation
First of all, you will need to be registered with Identity. If you do not have an account yet, please register here.
Identities are used to authenticate your users.
Go to the "Identidades" tab and then go to "Criar identidade".
Data required to create an identity
Field | Required |
| Yes |
| Yes |
| Yes |
| No |
| No |
You must inform Phone with country and region code, DDI+DDD+NUMBER (5511999999999).
Create an identity manually
In the manual creation tab, fill in the data for the desired identity and upload a selfie. To conclude, click "Cadastrar identidade".
Create identities in batch
A more effective option for those who need to create multiple identities is to use import identities from a CSV file (.csv). We have provided an example file showing how the data should be formatted for batch import. This file can be found on the import page or at this link.
In the "Arquivo CSV" tab, you will have to import the CSV file with the data of the desired identities. You must fill in at least the CPF, name, and link to the user selfie.
After the import, you will be taken to a page where you can tell which columns represent which data. Match the columns in your CSV to the data the system expects. In the example below, "cpf", "nome" and "selfie" are the headers of the columns in the example CSV.
Access policies
Access policies define how users will be authenticated. Contexts are the information that will be collected to determine if the user is accessing the system from a known context. Reauthentication methods, on the other hand, are the steps the user will have to go through to prove their identity if their context is not known.
To create a policy, go to the "Ferramentas" tab select "Políticas de autenticação" and click "Criar política".
Data required for creating an access policy
Field | Required |
| Yes |
| Yes |
| Yes |
| Yes |
It is the unique ID of the policy. It is used when invoking the Identity SDK.
Context | Description |
| Checks if the device being used by the user is known |
| Checks if the user's access location is known |
| Checks that the user's network information is known |
Reauthentication methods
Method | Description |
| Takes a picture of the user accessing the system and compares it with the selfie registered for the identity |
| Sends a code to the e-mail address registered for the identity and uses this code to validate the user |
| Sends a code via SMS to the phone registered for the identity and uses this code to validate the user |
Last updated