Query Templates


Query Templates are a set of necessary rules, products, and services tailored to the specific requirements of each business. These templates define what will be queried and validated within our Caf. platform.

Create Query Templates

To start creating query templates, you need to access the Trust Platform and on the sidebar menu, click on "Tools" and then on the "Query Templates" submenu. When accessing the Query Templates screen, it is possible to see the list of all the templates already created. If you don't have one yet or want to create a new, click the "Create New Template" button to start your settings.

The next step is to define whether you want to create your query based on predefined templates or if you want to customize your own. The predefined templates are as follows:

  • CAF: this package includes OCR, CPF Query (Brazilian Individual Taxpayer Registry), Facematch, Facial Biometrics, and Document Forensics.

  • Automation and Onboarding: this package includes OCR, CPF Query, and Facematch.

While these packages come with preselected services and rules suggested by Caf., they are both customizable. You have the option to modify them and even add additional sources to the background checking process.

If you want to choose the "Custom" option, you must also define whether it will be a Persons or Companies template. After this definition, select which services you want to apply in this validation, as well as the sources that must be consulted and the automated rules. Set a name for your model and save.

As soon as the model is saved, three options appear on the screen for the user to continue the process, namely the creation of an onboarding link (Onboarding List), performing a new query via Trust Platform (New Query) or the integration via API.

List Query Template

All templates created are saved in a history list, which can be filtered by the name of the template or by its status. By clicking on the three dots of any query template, it is possible to copy the link to carry out the web onboarding, share it individually via sms or email, view the Integration Guide, Duplicate that template or even export it.

Important: remember that as there is still no onboarding template added to this query template, when creating/sharing the onboarding web link, the onboarding template will be the default Caf.

At any time, a user can inactivate a query template or activate it again. When inactivating a template, it is important to decide if you want to inactivate the onboarding links that have this template attached, otherwise they remain valid to be used.

Edit Query Templates

Still in the list, it is possible to click on any query template and edit it afterwards, remembering that any change will have an impact on onboarding/queries performed from that moment onwards, as well as the charged fees.

To edit, you must click on the "Edit" button so that all fields are released. On the editing screen, it is possible to change the name of the template, link an onboarding template to it, insert query and profile webhook, in addition to being able to change services, sources and rules.

An important part of this screen is the onboarding template link, if it aligns with the client's flow, so that your web onboarding can be customized according to your needs and visual identity.

An additional feature on the query templates listing screen is the possibility to import a template using a Json file. Simply click on the import icon and upload your file.

Last updated

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