

The Query History screen is where you can find a list of all the queries performed, whether it's for an Person (global) or a Company (only for Brazilian companies). When you click on any result, we provide a comprehensive view of the information obtained from various data providers. This section of the training manual will guide you through the different tabs within the Queries Details, highlighting the data and insights available in each tab.

To learn how to view KYB results for international companies, please visit Company.

To begin analyzing the query results, follow these steps:

  1. In Trust Platform, navigate to the "Queries" menu on the sidebar.

  2. Locate and click on the Executions section.

  3. Select from the list of queries which one you want to see the details of.

Basic Information tab

Upon loading the details screen, you will land on the "Basic Information" tab. This tab presents essential information about the Person or Company searched for, including:

  1. For Brazilian company:

    • Registration Data: Corporate Name, Size, Status, Capital, Financial Activity, etc.

    • Overview of linked individuals associated with the company.

    • Contacts and Addresses details.

  2. For Person:

    • Registration Data: Full Name, Person ID, Birth Date, Driver's License, etc.

    • Contacts and Addresses details.

Queries (Background Checking) tab

This tab provides more detailed information about Person or Company searched for, with sub-tabs for each data provider. Here, you can find some data such as:

  1. Basic Information;

  2. Contact Methods;

  3. Financial Data;

  4. Legal Data;

  5. Restrictive lists;

  6. Presence in the media and websites;

  7. Driver information;

  8. Criminal background;

  9. Labourite information.

Document tab

This tab provides more detailed information about Document verification captured during the query or onboarding, it is in it that we have the OCR result as well. Information such as:

  1. Document verification: MRZ, Issue Date, Validity, RNM.

  2. Personal information: Name, ID, Birth Date, Nationality, etc.

  3. Miscellaneous information: Classification, Legal Protection, Protocol, Residence term.

  4. Forensic analysis: Opinio, Whether it's a fraud, Date.

Identity tab

In this tab, we have the facematch result, which is the Validation between document photo with a selfie (face photo). The information presented includes:

  1. Facematch Result: Identical, Trust (confidence), Gender, Approximated age.

  2. Official Data: Query type and Compatibility.

Compliance Rules tab

In this tab, we have the results of the validations done that define the execution status.

Activites tab

This tab reflects the history of actions that have occurred in this query since it was generated. It contains information such as date, time, user, and the update made.

Data informed by the user

This tab provides two pieces of information, namely:

  1. Parameters: A list of raw data exactly as provided by the user during onboarding.

  2. Metadata: A list of raw data sent by the system/API.

Query Status screen

On the details screen, we also have the query status, which can appear as Approved, Rejected, Pending, or Processing. If the status is Pending, the user will need to take a manual action, following these steps:

  1. Click on "Analyze Pending Items";

  2. In the pending analysis modal, identify the rule that resulted in the pending status;

  3. After the analysis, determine the new query status by selecting Approve or Reject;

  4. Then, click on "Apply Changes".

Last updated

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